Roger Stone Vaporizes ‘Epitome of Fake News’ Writer at the Wall Street Journal – IOTW Report

Roger Stone Vaporizes ‘Epitome of Fake News’ Writer at the Wall Street Journal

Dangerous: Close Trump ally and political operative Roger Stone took fake news to task in an op-ed published in the Central Florida Post over the weekend.

The target of Stone’s frustration was Wall Street Journal writer Shelby Holliday.

“In the forty years I have been in American politics I have encountered more than my share of fake news peddlers — poseurs who fancy themselves reporters but are, in reality, bent on twisting the truth and propagating falsehoods to serve their ulterior, usually partisan, agenda. I am hard-pressed to recall one more fitting this description than Shelby Holliday of the once great Wall Street Journal,” Stone wrote.

Stone has launched an assault recently on bias and mischaracterizations against him in multinational, billion-dollar fake news organizations. Last last year, Stone was also permanently banned from Twitter.

He accuses Holliday of being “the most deceitful manipulator and delusion-peddler in American politics today,” noting the continued harping on the Russian collusion hoax.

Stone blasted, “In an April 2, 2018 WSJ write-up on the Wikileaks-Assange angle to the Russia collusion hoax, Holliday systematically ignored demonstrated facts and omitted any fair rebuttal by me, in order to falsely portray my sworn testimony to the House Intelligence Committee about my confirming source for Julian Assange’s stunning revelation on CNN in June 2016 that he had obtained bombshell e-mails regarding Hillary Clinton and would publish them.”

He went on expose the standard journalistic practice of lying by omission and, in this case, repeating the Russia narrative put forth by Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff. Stone says his testimony was ignored in the Journal, as he answered all questions the House Intelligence Committee could throw at him.

A reader of the Holliday story would be lead to believe that Stone failed to identify his source, who is talk radio show host Randy Credico. Credico later ran from the story, denying it along the way. The initial piece implied Stone’s answers were false because Credico denied being the source and that Credico only met with Assange after Stone’s statement.

Stone points out that believing his testimony is false relies on trusting Schiff wholly, despite knowing of the California Democrat’s history of sketchy claims and loose relationship with the truth.

“I should note here that I fully and completely and willingly testified for hours, under oath, before the House Intelligence Committee, and that my testimony there was completely responsive and truthful in all respects, as well as consistent with every other public statement or interview I have made about this whole defamatory faux scandal, regardless of the constant false claims to the contrary concocted and spread around the media by Democrat members of the committee. I also covered all of the facts concerning Credico, ad nauseum, on my own website,” Stone asserts.  MORE


2 Comments on Roger Stone Vaporizes ‘Epitome of Fake News’ Writer at the Wall Street Journal

  1. Unfortunately, Stone is a sketchy character – which only serves to prove that all theses political “operatives” and “strategists” are sketchy characters. Putting faith and trust in any of them is foolish.

    Best to regard them all as soap opera characters playing a part – and getting paid handsomely for it.


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