Roger Waters Says HE Knows Why Trump Appeals To GOP – He’s Pig-Ignorant – IOTW Report

Roger Waters Says HE Knows Why Trump Appeals To GOP – He’s Pig-Ignorant

Illustr8r emails me –

“What does pig-ignorant mean exactly? Shouldn’t it be pignorant? Like, hangry?

Not a big fan of Pink Floyd anyway, but I hope The Donald builds The Wall.
See what I did there? Heh!
Raw Story is the go to news source for my lefty friends on FB.” – illusr8r

26 Comments on Roger Waters Says HE Knows Why Trump Appeals To GOP – He’s Pig-Ignorant

  1. they will move across the border and why shouldn’t they?

    “will”, as in ‘illegally’ would be an accurate assumption, when Trump says “where ever” that’s assumed a woman’s crotch. It’s not welcome here because it’s illegal. Get it? No? Didn’t think so.

    What is wrong with these numb skulls?

  2. In addition, this just sounds like another Brit that came from the loins of a long line of sore losers to what is known as the American Revolution. Besides, he’s just another prick in the wall…

  3. Every notice how few people who are successful in the entertainment industry really understand anything of actual consequence?

    They constantly try to reinterpret reality through their make believe world which has become increasing detached from reality in each succeeding generation.

    It use to be there would be a shinning gem of an album or movie, but they are getting harder and harder to find to the point where you have to isolate out particular moments now rather than take the work as a whole.

  4. Agreed. However, Gilmour has officially announced that Pink Floyd is dead. That and, to me, both he and Richard Wright made Pink Floyd what it was anyway. During their final get together for Live Aid you could cut the air with a knife it was so thick due to the quite obvious animosity between Rogers and the rest of the band.

  5. I still have some libtards in my music collection. Willie Nelson is one, but that old fucker has some unique talent that is different from all of the rest.

    Linda Ronstadt is another. Her mariachi recordings sold more copies than any other non-English record in the history of the world. Her voice was one of the sweetest and I still love to listen to her early music.

    And Joni Mitchell, another unique and talented lady who swings left. Much of her music is great and soothing.

    There are probably others. I got rid of all of my depressing shit – most of which were leftist/Marxist types. And my collection is yet only 25 feet from the trash can if any of them piss me off to that point.

    It is best to keep music and politics separate. That said, to hell with Waters. I’ll never buy any of his shit.

  6. I’ve lived in the Seattle area since 1987. I have artists friends/former coworkers in the tech industry. That should explain it a little. 😉

    Since I freelance (embracing my inner hermit) and live in the country (not many want to venture out of King County)- most of my interaction nowadays with them is seeing what gets liked and posted on FB. Always eye opening.

    Thank goodness for iOTW. 🙂

  7. Waters, he outlived his usefulness by the More album

    He outlined his own relevance in an interview where he said:
    “I was filling six thousand seats in eight thousand seat venues, while those guys (Gilmore, Wright, Mason) are selling out stadiums playing my songs.”

    British Liberalism with arrogance.

  8. Interesting you say that about Gilmour because even as a teenager I thought Waters was an over-inflated, self-obsessed, egotistical, pompous (later I added anti-Semitic) asshole, but I really liked David Gilmour. I had no idea he didn’t like Waters.

  9. Personally, I’m not pitching out anything I like just because I don’t care for the politics or the morals of the person that created it. As I said about Bill Cosby, sometimes you just have to separate the artist from the art. The only person who might be an exception to this rule would be Jane Fonda, but I never thought much of her stuff anyway, so I never owned any of it to begin with.


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