Rogue Spooks Working Against Trump – IOTW Report

Rogue Spooks Working Against Trump

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann’s disturbing interview on the Dennis Prager show discussing how rogue spooks within U.S. intelligence agencies were weaponized against President Trump. -C. Steven Tucker.

15 Comments on Rogue Spooks Working Against Trump

  1. And this is why I’m not happy about guys like Bannon and Gorka leaving the administration. I don’t agree with the line that they will be more effective on the outside than they would be on the inside.

  2. Trump should resign. Today we’ve learned John Kelly is “Disciplining the President”. Apparently he has him locked in a closet inside the Oval Office. And taken his cell phone away from him so his kids can’t call him. And now DICK Morris, who hasn’t been right about anything in the last 30 years, is claiming clandestine spook running amuck.

  3. I thought all the rogue spooks were rioting in the streets, carrying protest signs, and robbing convenience stores?
    At least that’s what they do down here, when they’re not chasing Lena Horne and Josephine Baker. 👿

  4. Either Mule will come clean or Trump is doing a sting on him and his BFsF. By the time Mule finishes this witch hunt, he will have to admit the witch is the Loser nominee and her minions. I have peace.

    I don’t doubt for one minute that obozo replaced the white hats with black hats.

  5. p.s. They will be exposed. Trump will have turned the economy and geopolitical situations around for the better, and no one will give a poop about the indictment of the “ham sandwich.”

  6. Trump will not resign. Trump will not be impeached. Trump is playing the left and the pseudo right like a cheap fiddle. Don’t fall for the fake news bullshit. Relax and enjoy the games.

  7. Morris is a Curious Cat, He’s Able to Say Anything Without Reprisal !
    He Must Have Documents Hidden In Every Corner of The Country, That Would Indict Bill and Hill’y For LIFE !!!

  8. I thought it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE that Obuttnugget would bug the white house, line up minions to subvert, and probably even leave a whoopie cushion in the Oval office. Trump may as well have landed a seat in the Kremlin as take over for Barky. I’m shocked they didn’t find Ebola smeared on every doorknob. Mission #1 should have been the purge, and knowing how astute DJT is, I can’t imagine why he didn’t. This recent “Remodeling” work may have been when they finally went looking for bugging equipment.

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