Rolling Blackouts From North Dakota To Texas, Frozen Wind Turbines Are No Help In Dealing With Southwest Deep Freeze – IOTW Report

Rolling Blackouts From North Dakota To Texas, Frozen Wind Turbines Are No Help In Dealing With Southwest Deep Freeze

Business Insider

A major power-grid manager that operates in states from North Dakota to Texas has ordered rolling blackouts amid an extreme cold blast that has hit much of the US.

Southwest Power Pool, which is headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, ordered the rolling blackouts Monday, declaring an energy emergency. Extreme weather had already taken out power for millions of homes in Texas, where temperatures hit record lows. More


Gov. Gregg Abbott said in a Twitter post that the state’s power grid has not been compromised. “The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators,” Abbott wrote, adding that ERCOT and the Public Utility Commission of Texas are working to get power back online and will give priority to residential consumers. Frozen wind turbines and limited gas supplies have hampered the ability to generate enough power, according to a statement from ERCOT. People in Houston, the fourth most populous city in the United States, may be in the dark into Tuesday, according to Mayor Sylvester Turner. More

28 Comments on Rolling Blackouts From North Dakota To Texas, Frozen Wind Turbines Are No Help In Dealing With Southwest Deep Freeze

  1. Extirpates….one of the best investments I ever made was buying a generator years ago. I live in commiefornia and altho I don’t use it often, when I do it saves the day. And a lot of frozen food.

    After 75 years my sister just moved from socal to Texas and just got a very rude awakening to the cold.

  2. joe6pak
    FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 1:54 PM
    “The good news in this is that people will be wary of the green power promises.”

    …and the bad news is the Democrats don’t need their votes any more, as the Cheat-O-Matics are all powered from China now…

  3. Those &^%$# windmills are clustered up around me since we have wind often. The blades are covered in ice and snow and they warned the ice can sling off the length of a football field when they start turning again. Added bonus to ruining the landscape and being worthless in frigid weather.

  4. I live in north Texas. People are fuming about the frozen windmills and snow covered solar panels. Most people either have no power or it is intermittent. It was below 0 last night and more snow expected tonight. Where is this global warming the lefties have been crying about?

  5. My sister moved to Texas about 3 years ago. She bragged what a hot snot place to live. Now I’m hearing “Oh $hit, we don’t have any power or water!” Stores got emptied out and trucks can’t make it to the stores to replenish. California ain’t looking so bad. Silicone Valley liberals I hope are enjoying their down time, and they get an “why did I move here” moment. Ha, ha, ha, ha

  6. The only decent thing in Canada: Our gas systems can pumps & flow in any fucking weather. One of the benefits of regularly experiencing -40 Deg Celsius in the prairies and having to stay alive in a frozen shithole.

    But Turdeau is doing his best to try and dismantle real infrastructure just like Xi Biden.

  7. “The good news in this is that people will be wary of the green power promises.”

    Not idiot leftists they keep getting on the SPP FB page and defending the windpower and it’s not it’s fault, it’s the NG fault. However, it’s also coming out now that suddenly after NG went up 40% Friday, suddenly this SPP doesn’t have enough NG or AKA they can’t dip into their profits to buy the more expensive NG and apparently didn’t have enough in reserve to be prepared for something that they’ve been predicting for at least 2 weeks.

    Guess what though, while several Oklahoma cities today had their power shut off, they’re still having the OKC Thunder game, because it’s so important to have a NBA game. Industrial plants all over are shutting down their machines and sending their employees home to conserve power, but the NBA must go on.

    They’re pissing Okies off and as many that are throwing a fit and screaming at their reps, I figure before long we’ll be out of this SPP bullshit and control our own power.

  8. “The good news in this is that people will be wary of the green power promises.”
    I must respectfully disagree. Those of us with brains already know what’s going on. The rest suck up *#@! like a brand new honey wagon. They will NEVER get it.

  9. Lennox HVAC industries is down in Dallas and for 35 years they have been running out of heating parts up here in Toronto.

    Now they know what I’m Talking about when I tell them we are freezing our balls off up here because they are always Out-Of-Stock.

    I think I’m going to phone my rep and make an asshole of myself and scream that I need air conditioners ASAP.

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