Rolling Stone Editor: ‘The American Left Has Lost Its Mind’ – IOTW Report

Rolling Stone Editor: ‘The American Left Has Lost Its Mind’

PJ Media: Rolling Stone magazine is a liberal rag, and editor Matt Taibbi is unquestionably a liberal. And yet, by some miracle, Taibbi has seen the light and isn’t afraid to point out what is so clearly obvious to conservatives. “It feels liberating to say after years of tiptoeing around the fact, but the American left has lost its mind,” Taibbi wrote. “It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.”

“The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation,” Taibbi continued.

They’ve conned organization after organization into empowering panels to search out thoughtcrime, and it’s established now that anything can be an offense, from a UCLA professor placed under investigation for reading Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” out loud to a data scientist fired* from a research firm for — get this — retweeting an academic study suggesting nonviolent protests may be more politically effective than violent ones!


ht Mr. Pinko.

19 Comments on Rolling Stone Editor: ‘The American Left Has Lost Its Mind’

  1. They aren’t going to survive their own outrage.

    Blacks, overall, are not too keen on gay and I’m sure transgendered, so just imagine what’s going to happing in Seattle with blacks being the dominant force in what traditionally is a gay stronghold.

  2. When a small children discover that misbehaving goes unpunished, many will do more of it. The Left’s children have done just that: increasingly break the law with no consequences.

    We’re going to get a LOT more of it until they’re simply ‘put down.’

  3. The left has slowly been losing its mind since 1968. Remember the SDS, the Weather Underground, the Yippies and the Hippies, the Black Panthers and all the rest including Bill Ayres etc. were at the vanguard of tearing down this country even back then. This is not new, what’s new is that these anarchists are treated as if they were patriots and the American people are the bad guys now because we don’t go along with their radical agenda to destroy this country as it was founded. Thanks for nothing but chaos and destruction barry, you asshole and thank God for President Trump trying to put an end to their evil plans.

  4. Exactly they were all fine with it until they lost control and have created a multi group funded leftist mob that doesn’t care who or what it takes out. Everyone and everything is fair game. So great this guy and Elon Musk etc. suddenly start pointing out the obvious but only when it serves them. They were fine allowing the marxist leftist insane lunatics from the 60s to poison the minds of those attending college as long as they were useful but now they don’t decipher who they attack it is just attack, attack, attack and be the last man standing.

  5. It’s always interesting to me that the people riding the sort of thing on the left, never ever see themselves as part of the problem. Looks like Matt sprouted a halo.

  6. keep your powder dry…. this ain’t over. once the poleeece are disarmed, we can only rely on us. i wish we had some other form of comms and orgs (as it were)…..

  7. @Monkey: The police don’t have to be disarmed. They just have to stand there and do nothing like they have in Seattle for 25 years. They just stand there and watch while windows are broken, stores are looted, fires are started, people are assaulted, etc.

  8. wait until the truckers top delivering food to the cities and the mobs start to spread out into flyover country.

    the shit will hit the fan when they learn looting gets harder when the population is armed

  9. Jimmy @ 3:15
    I dearly hope you are correct, but in my limited experience with a family member, by the time the parents realized they had created a monster and tried to put on the brakes, they just weren’t strong enough to accomplish the task. The lesson is that the left is STILL getting away with way too much crap. I love my country, and hope there is a solution that will not involve too much violence, but it needs to begin sooner rather than later.

  10. If parents refuse to discipline their children before they leave home on their own…then, after they leave home, the world will.

    Unfortunately, we are witnessing a second generation of them, now.

    Parents who refuse to discipline their offspring concerning right-and-wrong, should never have children.

  11. Too late for us, we surrendered to the swamp/left/islamic axis – an axis people like Mattis, Sessions, Roberts, the democrats and omar & friends are all part of.

    They own us now. Not everyone is seeing it, but stick a fork in us: we’re done.

  12. Rolling Stone has been sending me their rag for free for over a year.
    Despite how old I am, I know music of the last 100 years, including the shit of recent decades, better than my chillren.
    So despite my constantly confirmed bias that RS’s politics are exceedingly stupid, despite straining to give them the benefit of any doubt, I’ve concluded that their grasp on music is equally stupid. Really stupid.
    I can verify after decades of broad study and enjoyment, that there are, and have always been, very simply 2 kinds of music: good and bad.

    And I can say without a sliver of doubt, RS couldn’t tell good from bad music to save their lives.
    AND their politics are stupid.

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