Romney: ‘I’ll Be with Republicans’ on the Shutdown – IOTW Report

Romney: ‘I’ll Be with Republicans’ on the Shutdown

Breitbart: On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Senator-Elect Mitt Romney (R-UT) defended his op-ed criticizing President Trump, but said that he will “be with Republicans” on the government shutdown.

Romney said, “Well, with regards to the shutdown, I’ll be with Republicans on that front, which is, I think it’s important for us to secure the border. At the same time, what I did in my op-ed was not just talk about the president and my relationship with him and how we’ll work together, but also, I laid out my perspectives and priorities in a very broad basis, on everything from trade, to China, to our allies around the world, immigration, and so forth.”  watch

20 Comments on Romney: ‘I’ll Be with Republicans’ on the Shutdown

  1. clue to mittens, you are just a freshman senator, the same as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, not the leader of the free world. That job is taken and being performed quite well.
    Romney, I hate to be the one to break the bad news, but you are never going to be president. No body likes your pompous ass.

  2. …it’s also noticable he said “Republicans”, NOT “The President”.

    …he’s probably hoping to flip a few of the squishier ones, led by Mitch “no nuclear option for the Wall” McConnell, so that he can say he’s with those that walk AWAY from The President and still be correct…from a certain point of view….

    ….dude’s a traitor. And that’s NOT going to change. Thanks for sending up McCain II, UT….

  3. The oily prima donna thinks he’s the Ocasio-Cortez of the Senate. Probably agrees with most of her politics, too.

    Have you noticed that when Romney smiles, he looks like he’s in pain or really angry? I think he’s going to be smiling a lot for the next six years.

  4. “be with Republicans?”

    I thought he was sposed to BE a Republican! Not “be with” Republicans!
    Sleazy oily shit-weasel let the cat out of the bag with that one!
    I wonder if any of the morons who voted for him noticed?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Be with “the” Republicans? Implying that Trump isn’t one? No, he’s not with the President, he’s with “the” Republicans. Stick a fork in him. He’s not going anywhere.

    Romney! Get the hell out of our Party!

  6. “I will spit in the President’s face to show how I will work with him, but I also wanted to discuss how I will undermine all the progress he has made because I and my fellow elitists make much more money when things are like they were.”

  7. He did welcome Trumps endorsement, but then has the nerve to criticize Trump before he is even sworn in. What a turncoat. He lied about voting with Republicans on the shutdown after a week before saying that he is for the wall!
    Can’t be believed. He will never beat Trump if he runs in 2020 or for that matter never will win even in 2024!

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