NEW: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) to vote to convict Pres. Trump, breaking from party; "The president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust. What he did was not perfect. No. It was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights, our national security and our fundamental values."
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) February 5, 2020
93 Comments on Romney is a Solid POS
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Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
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Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
more like a runny, splattery, pile of diarrhea.
I second that emotion ^
Shitt Romney is now a total fucking pariah with a leprous stench.
What a dick.
To admit I voted for this man for POTUS is one of my most embarrassing actions. Right now I wish I lived in Utah so I could actively work against his reelection. But I will donate to his opponent if there is one.
Don’t assume this is just a mindless temper tantrum by Mitt. He, his son, and his dirty ex-CIA buddy at Burisma are just as guilty as the Bidens of foreign aid kickbacks and protection racket malfeasance. Romney is laying the groundwork for a narrative that when the DoJ starts nailing him later on, that it was “retaliation” for his bullshit vote here.
Does he think Trump won’t remember this?
I think Ronna better start trolling her uncle some more.
The only reason Mittens won’t switch to Dem is because he would be ass out in an instant in Utah.
@theMule: Damn perceptive.
^^^^^RIGHT THERE^^^^^
Oh. And Mitt’s a cunt.
… told you he would…he is just not capable of rising above his personal hatred and serving Truth, Justice, God, Country, or other things he wouldn’t recognize if the bit him…
I don’t question Mitt Romney’s faith or his motives, but I do question his logic in coming to his conclusions. He may be the only one voting for Impeachment who is really basing it on his strongly held faith, not on partisan politics. He’s going to find out that the Democrats will treat him with disdain and the Republicans with suspicion.
We used to have
guillotinespoop knives, for that.How to Tell You’re Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist:
And mittens is a malignant narcissist. Hence, his rage and his treason. He and pelosi are one and the same. Both their masks have been ripped off their faces by PDJT.
It’s important to understand this psychological condition. It explains rashida tliab, omar, pelosi, schiff, nadler, michelle obama, biden and the like.
Now, considering what bad people these bastards are, imagine their home life? Imgaine being rashida tlaib’s young son, being indoctrinated by that lunatic?
8 Toxic Ways Narcissistic Mothers Emotionally Abuse Their Children:
4 Behaviors That Unmask Narcissists:
By understanding malignant narcissism, you can very accurately predict behaviors of sick people like the above pieces of garbage.
Romney is just one of them.
Imagine Ann Romney’s life behind the facade of her horses and money romney throws at her? Does he secretly treat her like the dog he put on the roof of his car?
@Marco February 5, 2020 at 4:35 pm
> I don’t question Mitt Romney’s faith or his motives
(Oh. I’m sorry. Not all Mormons are like that? I’ll note that on my “Not all Muslims are like that” Post-it.)
4:32 PM: Trump acquitted (“not guilty as charged”) 53-47 on the second article.
Willard the rat bastard.
Loshonhora beat me to it.
His head on a pike, soon, I hope.
Trump is acquitted. 52-48 on one charge and 53-47 on the other. Looks like Romney jumped ship on one of the charges. Trump 2020!!!!!
Rat Bastard.
Mitt, another POS totally broken by DJT.
ON the second charge, mittens says not guilty. lolol
Cunt is a fitting word for the pussy Romney.
Marco, you’ll find Mormons are fair weathered friends and vote which ever way is most politically expedient for them. This is after 50 years of dealing with them in Idaho. There were more Obama stickers than you could count in the parking lots of Mormon churches (I tried) in my home town both times he ran. A upper Mormon bishop is the head of the business where I work and he and his fellow elders are a tireless campaigners for the left. All you need to know about that particular CULT is how they held up billions in charitable donations that they grifted from their congregations just to funnel in and support their business interests.
Ole Willard is the only Corksucker I know of who had a rat in a horror movie named after him. Now the DOJ should open an investigation into his Aide’s dealings as a member of the board of Burisma. I bet Willard is part of the laundering scheme. Also whenever he opens his mouth, you can smell the sewage.
So mittens was too limp dick to go all in. That must make the libtards feel really dirty after they all were kissing his ass on Twitter a minute ago. LMAO.
Hollywood, psychos and Libs (but I repeat myself) y’all can have him.
No take backs. Gotta keep him.
I hope his one piece underwear squeezes him so hard it pops his head like a big pimple.
Sorry Mormons no White Horse prophecy for you.
Dear Mitt, you ignorant slut. You may have made these impeachment votes all about yourself. Your deeply spiritual self evaluations. Your loss of sleep.The negative ramifications for you and your family. Your soul searching against those that choose to hide the truth…..One important fact though….THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! ALL 63 MILLION OF US THAT VOTED FOR TRUMP IN 2016 AND MANY MORE WHO WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2020!….YOU ARE JUST A MEANINGLESS INSECT OF A REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR REPUBLIC. How many people from Utah did you reach out to?…..Youe an invasive nuisance of an insect that should be swept off of the porch now….THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. WE ARE THE MAJORITY!…..Thankfully, the actions of Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and you et all have guaranteed that we the conservatives will probably be the Majority for decades to come….FUCK OFF!…..
Romney, like the Bush family, Weld, Kasich etc are Democrats, Leftists who , like Bloomberg, is a Republican based upon Demographics only. Therefore, knowing that if Republicans were to Impeach Trump that the Party would be destroyed, they toy with the idea..Romney, once only Democrats can exist, would become an important man..
He will officially change parties next week
I understand about the mormon vote. But you know what? The Jews, blacks, and the Catholics do the same shit.
Thankfully, some of them have started to look at the Dems and RINOS with a different eye, though. At least black people are pulling ahead on their own now.
But crap, you guys. Do you realize there are Jews in Europe and Israel who vote for socialism even though their families went through the nazi era??? How fucked up is that? Some people don’t learn even after they lose everything. ugh.
EDIT: I have to clear up that I’m not necessarily talking about every Republican or Conservative in these groups. I’m talking about the elitists, the Rinos, the left or the people who just don’t pay attention and just go with whatever the community leader of X tells them how to vote.
I don’t usually go looking for validation, but I took a lot of heat when I said Romney would be worse than Obama. Romney would have been worse for the country than Obama because he would have had the same policy objectives and the eRepublicans would not have even made the token effort they did to make it look like they were with the American people and opposed to Obama.
Anon, they also do not like Christians. Not as bad as Muslims as they don’t want to chop your head off, but they expect you to go to their lowest level, which I guess is their version of hell. If you’re a family member that is not a Mormon though they will pray for you after your dead to get you to the second level where you can serve them for eternity.
Why should we tip toe around what their religion is?
A solid GWB “Repub” !
How great is this, what’s the man is rhymes with his first name. Mitt and Sh*t.
…you know, sometimes, God says “no”, and we don’t know why right away…but as the Master of Time, the Lord knows the future in a way that we cannot, that is revealed to us only in the fullness of time.
…In the run-up to the 2012 election, my wife and I, along with many others, prayed that the Muslim usurper who had caused so much pain to the Children of God and threatened Christians everywhere, would be defeated. We gathered in interfaith groups in non-Church settings (because any non-Black church that had prayer for anyone but “Obama” would lose its tax exemption immediately), and in groups within our Church family outside the church, that the Lord would move and prevent a second Barry term.
As His insturment, we prayed for Mitt Romney to be President.
…when the Indonesian emerged victorious, many who prayed went to the alter and asked “WHY, Lord? WHY did you turn Your back to us when we lift up our prayers to You for deliverance?”
…O, ye of little faith (Matthew 8:26)…
…NOW, we know. NOW, we can see with our human eyes what we SHOULD have been able to see with our faith in God (2 Corinthians 5:7).
God only gives GOOD gifts (Matthew 7:11)
…Romney was NOT a good gift.
We were praying amiss, so God was RIGHT to say “No” (James 4:3).
A Romney presidency would have been an abysmal failure, because God wasn’t in him. He would have done all “Obama” did, but without the protective coloration or media sycophants, and drove away the good people in the Party, and stained the Republican brand so badly that we would have had a WORSE evil.
…we can know NOW that God was even then bringing up a REAL fighter for us in the person of Donald J. Trump, instead of a weak-tea repulicrat that would have willingly prostituted the Nation at whatever foul alter the Democrats bid him kneel. He would have been manhandled by Democrats to the everlasting shame of us ALL, and the ensuing Hillary presidency would have finished us off as a nation and a people.
…oh, we of little faith.
…God spurned our prayers rightly.
Today PROVED it.
…let not your heart be troubled (John 14:1)…
…God’s GOT this.
I would hope that the RNC and GOP organizations as well as the local GOP that ran his campaign will now cut him off from any financial or election support. Let him resign from the party and either sit as an independent or cross the aisle to the Democrats. Then let him try to win the next election. The bastard is simply a carpetbagger, going wherever or supporting whatever where he sees the main chance. I hope his supporters in Utah are seeing red now and that their anger holds in November and when next this cur runs for re-election.
Mitt should just make it official and become a democrat. He also picked the perfect man to run as his VP. Talk about two peas in a pod. I will never vote again for an establishment hack. And I will never again be bullied into accepting any of these back stabbing losers is better than whoever.
I am a conservative Catholic and vote as such, stop with the effing BLOCK mentality, which is what the left does. I despise Mittens and had to hold my nose when voting for that asshole.
Also the secular Jews, at least I know well, DO NOT vote Democrat.
We don’t all vote ‘like our parents did’. That is Old World thinking we are in a New World.
Dear Mitten,
It is YOUR FAULT for OBAMA part II.
I have many Mormon friends. They are happy & very nice people.
What the Fuck Happened to YOU!?
Are You Plowing Pelosi?
Extirpates; Mit rhymes with shit. Awesome!
Willysgoatgruff; From when Saturday Nite live was almost watchable? Great!
Self serving ambitious cunt. Don’t forget that his top advisor worked with Hunter Biden on the Ukrainian energy company. UGH how does the GOP ever forgive itself for propping up McStain and Willard as nominees to the office of POTUS?
Romney and his binders full of spite.
@mcn February 5, 2020 at 5:24 pm
> how does the GOP ever forgive itself
Stop! STOP! I’m gonna’ pee!
Horatio Prim – Of course not. But you gotta admit, they’re not all like you/us. I know because Dems are still being elected. LOL.
@ Horatio Prim FEBRUARY 5, 2020 AT 5:13 PM
I am Irish, and I am Catholic. My Grandfather gave up his birthright after going to Canada on and adventure and ended up settling in Choteau Montana. My Grandmother’s family ran the Tipperary People.
I have a preferential option against Irish politicians and nominal Catholic politicians are absolutely the lowest people in the world. Nominal Catholic politicians are anathema to me.
I have never understood people who vote would vote for a “Catholic” politician just because they are Catholic or someone of the same heritage.
I am not Trady, I am orthodox Roman Catholic. Tradys can be solid, but more often than not they are pretty screwed up.
Strikes me as more of a floater.
Just because someone LOOKS like they’re smart doesn’t mean they actually ARE smart.
Mitt’s former campaign manager says he was motivated by jealousy and bitterness:
@The Mule…
Interesting. Second look at Huber, maybe?
I just remembered- We not only voted for Mitt, we had to vote for mccain before that.
And whatever happened, we would have gotten an 0bama. Because apparently, Bush wasn’t letting the Dems push him around fast enough. But bless his heart, he tried his best. *eye roll*
Whenever there is an insurgent, a Romney will be there. Trump is the modern Goldwater, but with the personality to sell and beat back the press.
Romney hates Trump. Claiming he is basing his decision on his faith is a crock; Joe Biden did the exact same thing while vice-president, and Romney excused Biden. Hillary’s camp commissioned an investigation and a fake dossier to get dirt on Trump, and Romney didn’t say a word. Romney used his faith as a crutch to justify a vote out of spite.
If a candidate for President is corrupt, I would like to know that – and I think the American people deserve to know that – regardless of whether or not that candidate is corrupt in the United States (i.e. Hillary) or meddles in the affairs of foreign nations to benefit the candidate or his family (i.e. Biden). By now, we are pretty sure Trump isn’t corrupt because he has to be the most investigated President in our history.
Here’s the ironic twist – it was the Democrats who torpedoed Biden. They impeached Trump based upon allegations of Trump supposedly pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, which put the Bidens in the middle, and which kept Joe’s corruption in the news. Had Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi let the matter go, our lapdog MSM would have covered for Biden and the whole affair probably would have buried.
BigOwe- Exactly.
I think the more Conservative GOP politicians back in the day (and when I say back in the day, I mean BT (before Trump. lol) were trying to behave lawyerly and white glove. And didn’t fight because they just assumed the left knew right from wrong and would cut out the nonsense when it mattered. Cute, huh?
And the Left saw that as weak.
You cannot survive in that game unless you learn the rules and beat the left with them.
Trump knows and hopefully has taught other R’s who are late to the game.
Very well said.
I’ve got a Mormon friend who is all out crazy for Trump!
McCain’s Suck-sessor and heir apparent.
…thank you, @Old Racist White Woman, you are kind, but any good thing I say is to the Lord’s credit, not mine. I’m just using His good words in my own weak way to praise Him for protecting us from ourselves…
Ronterf- Awesome!
I know we have mormons who visit the site that are crazy for Trump as well.
…still, I can’t help but wish, in a dark corner of my mind, that they HAD voted to convict, because then we could get this too long delayed Civil War started.
Because it’s GOING to happen. Sooner or later.
They die…or WE do.
…it’s really just that simple…
Bush has a Sh*t eatin grin from ear to ear!
Mitt would’ve been a far left Pres. So i did not vote for him! Every day his liberal deeds prove how right was 8 years ago!
Wyatt@ You are dead on!
The more they pushed Ukraine, the more Biden’s name & behavior were in the news.
Hey, Mitt:
You are NOT MY PRESIDENT. Never have been. Never will be.
Thanks for the extra four years of Obama, creating the first four years of Trump, you sanctimonious, opportunistic SOB. Your stunt and Nancy’s have made me look forward even more to Trump’s second term.
@MJA February 5, 2020 at 5:51 pm
> Conservative GOP politicians back in the day
> they just assumed the left knew right from wrong and would cut out the nonsense when it mattered
Gotta disagree. Both then, and now. “Conservatives” — the ones that The Party allows into The Party — want the exact same thing(s) the “Progressives” (are they still, “Progressives”? This, the current week?) want. They just don’t want to say they want it. They want to “accidentally” wake up, on a greasy tarp, full of other naked, greasy men, every greasy weekend. But don’t you dare call them gay! Any, let alone, every, damn, time.
They join the same clubs. They go to the same parties. They “swap genetic material” with each other. At, absolute, “best”, the “Conservatives” play the wrastlin heels, to the “Progressives” faces. (At least that gives them the “Only doin’ my job”/”Only followin’ orders” “excuse”.)
I would be interested in who Romney likes among the Democrat Presidential Candidates.
All the other US car companies survived the 70’s except AMC. Run by ol’ Mitts daddy. Tired of hearing what a financial mastermind he is saving the Winter Olympics. He’s jealous of Trumps money, his business sense, his hot wife and deepest of all, Trumps’ political instincts. In a battle of wits, he’s an unarmed man.
Anonymous- Good point. Cocktail congressmen and senators were always a problem. But one thing for sure, by not standing up for themselves or for their constituents, (only very few flipped tables and wagged fingers) they were all considered weak. By everyone. And only WE cared, right?
I’m still hoping Trump has taught the current pols right from wrong. Who knows til it’s obvious.
But on the good side – Jordan, the other Collins, etc. are good examples. Nunes took a big risk to get the spygate stuff exposed.
Hey Mitty. Petey B and I have an extra couch you can sleep on. It’s PERFECT for threesomes!
Say, Chasten. How much stretch does that have?
(Asking for my friend Pete) 😀
…rejoice, Mittens, the Dems will throw a party for you just like they did for Arlen Specter after they turned HIM to get Obamacare…
Let me put it this way. I am way more loyal to Trump than I ever was to Reagan. And I was exceptionally loyal and supportive of Reagan.
Mitt Romney is a piece of dirt on a long trail of political fools.
@MJA – thank you for the conversation and yes I DO admit! I think we can at least concur that Mittens Willard is a self centered eltite c’ser after that ‘speech’. Is that CC enough for ya?? :>O
@JDHasty – what is Trady? What about P Moynihan, he was a Classic Liberal. What about Buckley? Do you trust american catholic politicians?? OR is it an Irish thingie?? Just asking, not being provocative.
Mittens will be The pariah in the Senate. Stuck in the middle, sitting like a page on the floor with his legs folded with a DUNCE cap on.
I think everyone knows the dam is going to break at some point.
My adult kids in their 20’s and 30’s who know their generation better than most say all the time we need to just agree the two sides are too far apart and split the country in half or just go ahead and have the civil war that is coming and if we don’t it might be too late. The older, wiser generations are going to be gone and for every one family who raises their children to know what the country is founded on there are 50 families who are raising their kids to be far left idiots.
Glenn Beck hardest hit.
Ladies & gentlemen, YOUR democrap V-P candidate, for 2020! 🙄
Stretch Armstrong ain’t got nothin’ on me. Just ASSk Petey B!
@Jerry Manderin February 5, 2020 at 7:38 pm
> Glenn Beck hardest hit.
Still not hard enough.
His real colors are now clearly showing, and it’s not red, white and blue, its yellow.
Wow….. the first Mormon to ever go to hell.
It is extremely hypocritical of Bro. Mitt to cite his religious convictions as his motivation for voting for impeachment. This from the man who was all too willing to deny his faith when things began to turn against him in his ego-driven run for the presidency.
He wears his religion like he wears his fraternity pin. Its all for show and only when it benefits him. He is a shallow, entitled son of a powerful, self-made man, much like “John-boy” Huntsman.
My brother and his wife, both devout liberal Democrats see Mitt and his family sometimes at church (when the Romneys visit their old neighborhood in Michigan). They really like him, as a person. I am sure he can be a very amicable fellow, but he can also be thin-skinned, judgmental, arrogant and spiteful, and his drive for power has overcome his faith more than a few times. He is a weak man whose aspirations overwhelm is abilities.
I have only voted for him when the other choice is worse, like Obama or Janet Wilson. I hope to have an opportunity to vote against him soon, very soon.
Judas Mittens.
I never voted for McCain or Romney. (Ron Paul)
Every Republican “You don’t want the democrats to win do you?”
They ARE democrats!
Whutta week! The coveted Top Cunt trophy has changed hands three times in less than 24 hours! Nancy grabbed it fom Hillary, now Pierre Defecto snagged it! Who’s next?
Chase away street Mormons forever by looking them dead in the eye and telling them you’d never join a church whose most visible memeber is a backstabbing traitor.
And Romney uses his religion and eventual victim status (Trump’s people will come after me and my family) to justify COLLUDING with the democrats.
Truly dispicable human.
@ Horatio Prim February 5, 2020 at 7:05 pm
@JDHasty – what is Trady? Traditional Catholic check out The Remnant. Either rock solid or totally off their rocker with them. No in between.
What about P Moynihan, he was a Classic Liberal. What about Buckley? Love ’em.
Do you trust american catholic politicians?? OR is it an Irish thingie?? Just asking, not being provocative.
Don’t trust nominal Catholics, my family tree is full of solid priests. Nominal Catholics are a plague. Irish politicians can be rock solid, but the communist streak runs hot in Erin. Most Irish politicians are a menace to free men.
Going to be blunt – Sure, there are moral decent people who are Mormon, but that doesn’t change the fact Mormonism is a cult. A religion that falsely claims a connection to Christianity with doctrine that is not Biblically sound. Wolves in sheep’s clothing are guess what – wolves. .
Mittens narcissistic power play to impeach, without cause The President of the United States, is not exclusive to cultists. It is, however, indicative of a Godless reprobate who thinks God is a fool and not in control.
Mittens will someday reap what he’s sewn for eternity just like McStain. There is no Heaven for evil, unrepentant, self-serving prideful, petty men.
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
RINO “Conservatives” have been rejected by the American people when they voted for President Trump. Yet, they continue their tyrannical goal to destroy the Constitutional process of peaceful and fair elections. Mittens and his progressive cohorts, Bushs, Bidens etc. must somehow be stripped of their influence, because they are focused, with deadly percision on corrupting this nation.
Romney = the new McCain.
@ Aaron Burr…There are plenty of Mormons in Hell, including Smith and Whitmer.
What Lucifer has planned for Willard will put skid marks in his Magic Underwear.
“Romney = the new McCain.”
If McCain were still alive, what kind of political health would he currently be enjoying? I think Trump would have destroyed him and his fat daughter long ago.
… with a greasy black peel!!!
TheMule is correct, Mittens is up to his globalist ass in Ukraine corruption.
The priggish piety dripping from his sanctimonious piehoke is sickening.
Self-righteous dickhead.