Romney’s Financial Record Is Horrendous – IOTW Report

Romney’s Financial Record Is Horrendous

The Wall Street Journal, aiming for a comprehensive assessment, examined 77 businesses Bain invested in while Mr. Romney led the firm from its 1984 start until early 1999, to see how they fared during Bain’s involvement and shortly afterward

Among the findings: 22% either filed for bankruptcy reorganization or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job lossesAn additional 8% ran into so much trouble that all of the money Bain invested was lost. 

HT/ AllTooMuch

5 Comments on Romney’s Financial Record Is Horrendous

  1. the psychopaths are turning into rabid dogs. they know that billions around the globe are waking up and they are scared starting to get really, really nervous. (more like scared shitless)

    while these times feel quite uncomfortable
    i for one am enjoying watching things unfold.

    many of these fuckers are arranging safe bunkers for themselves.

    they know that the people have had enough.

  2. The problem with ‘success’, is that it is like the word ‘bench’.
    When you say it every individual is likely to get a different picture in their head.
    park bench, piano bench….
    I don’t consider a singer successful if they use autotune, no matter how much money they make.
    I find it disheartening that so many are jumping onto the Bernie/Trump wagon of money defining success.
    It is disheartening because it makes the vast majority of us failures, no matter what we accomplish, unless it involves millions or billions of dollars.

  3. Alrighty then, since Rubio and Cruz and Now Romney bring this up; Name me one successful man who made it to the top who HASN’T failed a BOATLOAD of times?
    I had this guy who married my cousin. He was a working stiff like me. I remember he went into fiberglass.
    We would go for years without contact.
    One time he picked me up in his fully restored vintage roadster.
    That was when he told me he was worth somewhere in the area of 55 million.
    So being the type I asked how I could be successful like him.
    This is what he told me:
    “I saved my money and started a business. Lost my ass. So I got a job, paid my bills, saved my money and started another business, Lost my ass. So I got a job, paid my bills, saved my money and started another business, Lost my ass. So I got a job, paid my bills, saved my money and started another business.
    I did this SEVEN TIMES! Seven times my world crashed down around my ears.
    The eighth time..I built a successful company.”
    I also had this girlfriend.
    She thought she was model material. But she never went and got head shots and put her self out there. It was easier to buy a magazine and bitch about how she could do that better than that that chick in the magazine. She was afraid to fail, so she never succeeded.
    So I learned.
    I learned there ain’t no montage with a hail Mary pass at the end.
    There is not some inherent talent in me that will be the one thing that will save the day.
    There is only the willingness to fail repeatedly and carry on.
    That is what makes success.
    Pointing out someone’s failures is backyard fence level gossip

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