Ron Coleman’s Take on Anonymity – IOTW Report

Ron Coleman’s Take on Anonymity

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17 Comments on Ron Coleman’s Take on Anonymity

  1. I have to agree with this guy. I’m an old man in my late sixties with a bum leg; I can’t take it to the streets any longer. But I will personally stand up and say that Biden stole this election and he will never be my president.

  2. POTUS put his life, liberty and fortune on the line – FOR US – as did our founding fathers

    Be proud of your country!
    stand up and be counted (you’re already on “a list”)
    we need you to help fight for what is right and just

  3. I know EXACTLY what it’s like to lose a full-time job simply because you proudly stood up for yourself. Yeah. It’s infuriating at the time but it makes you bolder. Way bolder. Way bolder than you ever thought you’d be. God uses His mysterious ways to toughen you up for future and noble fights. And going forward you enter a place in life where you realize as you look around you got nothing to lose. And it feels GREAT. Right MJA and Fur? 😎

  4. If someone really wanted to, they could probably find out who I am. On the web site I am a part of, my photo has been associated with my nick. I use my real name on Quora. If push came to shove I will stand up.

    I am on FB because that is a way to stay in contact with friends and there are some interesting groups. I tend not to get political there because, frankly, it isn’t worth it.

  5. I am who I am, I wouldn’t post anything about anyone I wouldn’t say to their face.

    Pretty much the only name I have ever posted under, although I did use JDNasty for a while when I learned that the local politicians were referring to me by that.

  6. near 80; but will never “tke a knee”! Deputies took my name and address 2 weeks ago = no mask!

    # of my kin put their lives and fortunes on the line when signing the kDec of Ind 7/4/76! I will honor them and fight for Don!
    GWB + BHO can kiss my ass! lech mein amesh ubermeisteren! Gewuntuefel! Mein Herren!

  7. I guess he never heard of or studied about guerrilla warfare? Yes, it’s noble to stand up in the open to fight the good fight.
    But there are many times when striking from the shadows, though less “noble”, is more effective.


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