Ron DeHedging – IOTW Report

Ron DeHedging

Baier asked if they would support Trump if he is both convicted and the nominee.

28 Comments on Ron DeHedging

  1. It shows what a spineless and fucking pussy RDS is. Remember when all the losers in the first 2016 debate raised their hands but not Trump?

    But keep plucking that chicken Loco.

  2. I like Ron.

    Don’t get me wrong.


    Ron D., I knew Ronald Reagan, and trust me, you’re no Ronald Reagan. But you might be better than him in spearheading good legislation and policies for your state. Work on THAT for another four.

    (DeSantis is like a freshly bottled wine. Won’t know if it’s any good for 4-5 years when you open it. Up until lately, I thought your grapes looked pretty good. 🤣)

  3. I missed this as I listened to the debate on the radio and didn’t watch it. From audio only, there was a lot of yelling, talk over talking and very little substance really. The audience sounded like they were at The Price Is Right waiting for their chance to run down the aisle. Very odd in comparison to other debates.

  4. On my news feed this morning there were articles from Newsweek, CNN, Slate, Salon, and Politico, all bashing RDS in his debate performance.

    I don’t know about the rest of the IOTW readers, but when “the enemy” starts parroting my arguments, it makes me nervous.

  5. Set them all up like bowling pins and knock em all down. The indian is the only one with enough decency to step aside and make a cabinet deal with Trump. The rest are all swamp creatures.

    We can now end the clown show debates. For their own good, they’re just making fools of themselves.

  6. Agreed AJ.
    The whole “raise your hand” canard is ridiculous.
    Most questions need deeper discussion than a yes or no.
    It’s a hypothetical question without all the various possibilities addressed.
    Most times their answer will be used against them regardless of how they answer.
    When Fox tried that shit again later in the debate, DeSantis shit that shit down!

  7. RDS waits for the applause before deciding to raise his hand, exposing himself as a timid,poll-driven politician, and immediately the sour-grapes begin; “oh those raise-your-hand questions are stupid.” Please. Stick a fork in him. The Neo-Con candidate is done.

  8. “Biden was on the beach while those people were suffering,” said DeSantis after the moderators mentioned the recent Maui wildfires. “He was asked about it and he said, ‘No comment.’ Are you kidding me? As somebody that’s handled disasters in Florida, you got to be activated. You’ve got to be there. You’ve got to be present. You got to be helping people and we still are doing that.”

    Eyes on the prize!

  9. Watched the Trump interview by Tucker Carlson.

    I figured the Clowns on FOKs with their BIG BANNER “DEMOCRACY” over all the candidates heads pretty well told me how the clown show would go. Democracy, my ass.

    The above commenters on IOTWR confirm my thoughts.
    No Bullshit, just the facts.

  10. The fact DeSantis had to look around at the other candidates and take a “census” before he raised his hand tells it all. He lacks independent, strong convictions. His hand should have gone up first to pardon President Trump if need be if DeSantis became president.

    At this point we need a US president with the backbone and character of President George Washington. A revolution to regain the righteous soul of this nation requires a man who can stand the pressure and not a bought and paid for Swamp pawn. DeSantis isn’t the right man for the task. He might be by 2028, but I seriously doubt it.


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