Ron Perlman Claims He Urinated on His Own Hand Prior To Shaking Weinstein’s Hand – IOTW Report

Ron Perlman Claims He Urinated on His Own Hand Prior To Shaking Weinstein’s Hand

14 Comments on Ron Perlman Claims He Urinated on His Own Hand Prior To Shaking Weinstein’s Hand

  1. Because he knew how wretched the man is? Why not just refuse to shake the man’s hand?

    No one knew of your supposed act of defiance. So for all practical purposes you shook the hand of a wretched man in public.

    It’s like you have to write these people a script because left to their own they will, well, just piss themselves.

  2. …who then went on to hug and shake hands with many others at the charity event. So Perlman, the disgusting slob that he is, spread his piss all over a charity event. Well done, you fucking pig.


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