Rooftop – IOTW Report


ht/ Maria’s dad

20 Comments on Rooftop

  1. WOW….. The overwhelming contributions of financial and physical help from the Muzzlim community and mickymosques’s is impressive. Wonder how many Linda So- sores will be in line DEMANDING a handout. I for one will be counting.

  2. You really have to wonder at the stupidity of the Left composed of every crazy identity group out there with conflicting ideologies.

    They have the homosexuals and other deviants, the women’s movement that is pro-abortion and anti-men, big labor, the drug legalization crowd, the communists, socialists, and other totalitarians, and even racist hate groups like the neo-nazis (which really is a left wing group), BLM, Antifa, and Occupy Wall Street.

    Some want more government, some want no government, some want a bunch of freebies and hedonism while others want to have total control and no freedom. Meanwhile, they have aligned with the muslims who simply want them all dead. Total chaos!

    The only thing that holds them together is visceral hatred of America.

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