Rosie Fears She Won’t Survive the Trump Presidency – IOTW Report

Rosie Fears She Won’t Survive the Trump Presidency

In a vain attempt to become relevant again, Rosie O’Donnell has expressed her concern over her chances of surviving the Trump Presidency. Her comments seem to be saying that everyone who has crossed the president lived to regret it, and she was the first to feel his wrath.


“Gone With the Win”?

49 Comments on Rosie Fears She Won’t Survive the Trump Presidency

  1. No Rosie, you can be safe, moreso if you just shut up.

    But thank you for making us realize how badly we needed a President as resolute, esp. against assholes like yourself.

  2. Has she thought about a healthier lifestyle?

    I don’t know anyone that Trump has worked with who has had a bad day at Fort Marcy Park.

    And Rosie must think rather highly of herself that she thinks Trump spends that much time thinking about her.

  3. Rosie, honey as usual your wrong. You got the wrong president this time. You must be referring to the Clinton era. But your not completely out of luck, they’re not dead, yet.
    Seth Rich unavailable for comment.

  4. ‘everyone that crossed the president lived to regret it’. Key word ‘lived’ because those that cross the Clintons end up having accidents or committing suicide in the darnedest ways.

  5. She’s right.
    She is preparing to pupate.
    ‘She’ will completely dissolve and reorganize and after a while she will discard her outer shell and emerge an entirely new entity.
    Probably with a mouth that will stretch to cartoon proportions to be able to devour pastries and entrees from across the room

  6. 90 people acquainted with the Clintons have died under questionable circumstances or were mysteriously, unsolved-ly, murdered.
    How many acquaintances of President Trump have died questionably or mysteriously?

    Will the perverted whale be the first?
    Or will it escape to Canada?

    I’m just all aflutter waiting to see if it dies, or not.

    She should be more concerned with some raghead trying to win his way into Paradise.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Heh, you should see the thread on her Twitter of people agreeing with her, talking about how they had to increase their medication doses, etc. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry because anyone that unbalanced is really in sad shape.

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