Rosie O’Dog Nuts “Goes There” With Lindsey Graham – IOTW Report

Rosie O’Dog Nuts “Goes There” With Lindsey Graham

It’s okay for a lefty to call someone a closeted idiot.

What was Rosie so cranky about?

Graham wrote this-

From my view, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it just did.

The lawyer to porn stars has just taken this debacle to an even lower level.

I hope people will be highly suspicious of this allegation presented by Michael Avenatti.

I have a difficult time believing any person would continue to go to – according to the affidavit – ten parties over a two-year period where women were routinely gang raped and not report it.

Why would any reasonable person continue to hang around people like this?

Why would any person continue to put their friends and themselves in danger?

Isn’t there some duty to warn others?

I very much believe in allowing people to be heard.

But I am not going to be played, and I’m not going to have my intelligence insulted by the Michael Avenattis of the world.

I will not be a participant in wholesale character assassination that defies credibility.


21 Comments on Rosie O’Dog Nuts “Goes There” With Lindsey Graham

  1. cher should be chiming in soon too
    but, the fat lady has apparently sung, so it might be coming to an end.
    rosie just might be the caboose in this whole thing. She’s a show stopper, she is.

  2. Leave Rosie alone. When you are as fat as she is, the only way to get your nether regions clean is by having a bull bitch lick them clean. Since she is obviously a homophobe she probably went les because it got itchy and no guy in the world would go there for her.

    Fuck off Rosie, you fat fucking vile stinking cunt.

  3. How is the “patriarchy exposed” by Graham’s statement? Creepy Porn Lawyer is famous only because he shills for a porn star and someone who claims to have been gang raped. At the end of the day, Avenatti will get in his sports car and drive away to another bigger and better payday somewhere, while Daniels will go back to stripping in seedy clubs and Swetnick will…I dunno, take up stripping in seedy clubs?

    Incoherent hashtags and homophobic insults are not substitutes for rational argument.

  4. Vote Kavanaugh in. Get out of this high school lynching and make them bring their shit show to an impeachment process, if they dare. Enough of the trial by media/campus rape tribunal. Lindsey seems to get it. Hope the rest of the weak-willed Senators catch on.

  5. I hate Rosie, but don’t misunderstand. Back-peddling RINO Lindsey (now that his buddy McCain is gone) needs to eat a big steamy bowl of STFU. Even if he is unseated by a Dem, what would the difference be? Only one more warmonger coward gone, replaced by a socialist.

  6. As long as Lindsey keeps talking like this I’m not going to attack him. Someone on Twitter posited that POTUS has “set him free,” meaning whatever McCain was using to blackmail him has been neutralized.


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