Rosie O’Donnell’s Missing Daughter Has Been Found – IOTW Report

Rosie O’Donnell’s Missing Daughter Has Been Found

O’Donnell went to social media to have people assist in finding her 17 year-old mentally ill daughter who hadn’t been heard from since Sunday.

She’s been found.

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27 Comments on Rosie O’Donnell’s Missing Daughter Has Been Found

  1. Hmm… so the poor young woman is “mentally ill” and ran away from home. I’m thinking living around Rosie would drive anyone nuts and make him or her want to escape. That’s probably the sanest thing that girl has done in while, but now it’s back to “home” with Rosie and more medication. How sad.

  2. In no way can I like Rosie….but to have a mentally family member lost….has to be hard

    i’ll hate her for everything she says does…..but this goes beyond that…I’m glad she’s been found

  3. Is this her real daughter or an adopted daughter. Assuming any normal guy would willingly want to have sex with Rosie. If I were her I wouldn’t to be found or claim that Rosie is her mother. Why is Rosie even relevant, she’s a fat ugly lesbian cow who is not funny and never will be. If her and Roseanne Barr and Madonna and Ellen degenerate were the only women left on this planet the human race would die out. Maybe they’d need to use some of those psychotropic drugs Rush was talking about early in his program this morning in order to make them look attractive.

  4. Poor thing probably has NO mental problem – just won’t go along with Rosie O’Donnell’s perverted shenanigans so O’Donnell keep her doped to the gills and won’t allow her out of the house.

    The Soviets declared anyone who questioned Communism insane, too.

    We’re trying to do the same with:

    Globaloney Warming
    Trans sexuality

  5. Apparently she had been “missing” since the 11th, but on the 14th Rosie was talking about smearing period blood on Republicans. She didn’t notify police until Sunday, the 16th.
    The kid was found staying at a house in the Jersey Shore . . . and was unaware anyone was looking for her.
    Something doesn’t quite add up.

  6. Anyone who spends any time around that mean, mad, butt ugly, hateful piece of shit dyke is bound to have mental problems. Too bad the kid has to go back. That ain’t gonna help. Poor thing. However, if you’re a hetero Christian family who gets caught spanking your kid, the state would come down on you with everything they got.

  7. Why isn’t the “Fat Pig” under arrest and her child taken away when we have normal parents being arrested and children taken away for allowing their children to play in a park without the parents watching them?

  8. Notice how Rosanne Barr (a scrunt herself/separated at birth) has been out of the limelight for soooo long since Rosie O’Donnell got into main stream TV? She didn’t want to share the effed-up baggage associated with O’Donnell.

    Her daughter prolly knows how lesbo divorces end, in bloody mutilation with a screwdriver or whatever, and didn’t want to hang around for the experience.

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