Rotherham grooming gang survivor wants people to know about the religion which inspired her abusers – IOTW Report

Rotherham grooming gang survivor wants people to know about the religion which inspired her abusers


I’m a Rotherham grooming gang survivor. I call myself a survivor because I’m still alive. I’m part of the UK’s largest ever child sexual abuse investigation.

As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white c***” as they beat me.

They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress “modestly”, that they believed I deserved to be “punished”. They said I had to “obey” or be beaten.

Fear of being killed, and threats to my parents’ lives, made it impossible for me to escape for about a year. The police didn’t help me.

As I write this, it has been widely reported that a letter has been sent to Muslim groups around the country declaring a national “Punish a Muslim” day; elsewhere, the leaders of Britain First have been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment.

In mainland Europe, conflict surrounding immigrants and refugees has been fuelled by stories of women being raped by migrants. People have been calling for violent attacks against “any Muslims” and have declared “war on Islam”.

Islamophobic online hate and personal attacks occur every day. In response, anti-fascist groups and the “far left” have carried out their own violent attacks on groups they perceive to comprise “white supremacists” or “Nazis”.

As someone who has experienced life inside a grooming gang, I can tell you with certainty that none of this is likely to make any difference to the behaviours of groomers. Like terrorists, they firmly believe that the crimes they carry out are justified by their religious beliefs.


10 Comments on Rotherham grooming gang survivor wants people to know about the religion which inspired her abusers

  1. “.. I can tell you with certainty that none of this is likely to make any difference to the behaviours of groomers..”
    She’s probably right if the UK lacks the will, tenacity and perseverance to drive all of them out of their country.

  2. Yeah, but look at the huge mess of all-cultures-are-the-same she serves up later in the original article:

    “This hateful religious hypocrisy strikes people to their very core. But it’s far from unique. My main perpetrator quoted scriptures from the Quran to me as he beat me. However, almost identical scriptures (about the stoning to death of virgins who don’t scream when they are raped) can also be found in the Bible.

    “The problem isn’t the text itself; it’s how it’s fundamentally interpreted. In fact, there are many cases of Bible quotes being used to justify terrible human injustices, like the enslavement of people from Africa, antisemitism and violence towards LGBT+ people.

    “All the major world religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, have also at some time been associated with extreme human rights abuses against men, women and children.”

  3. The people of England have been beaten down to the point that there’s little hope left for them.
    The same is happening here, just look around. This younger generation has been stripped of any national pride and heritage. They fear guns and have no clue why they are so important to our rights.
    Never thought I’d see this in my lifetime.

  4. To the Bible and Tommy Robinson comments she made, shows you even SHE has been brainwashed by the left. Incredible–unless the interviewer helped her craft those comments, which to me is believable.

  5. well england is a gun free zone ?

    too bad she couldn’t get an equalizer like a gun to protect her and help her out of her plight, or a real man.

    all these feminist who date these snowflake warriors at going to be surprised when the SHTF and it’s nothing but chaos out there in reality, who’s going to save them ?

  6. @bill March 20, 2018 at 8:01 am

    > all these feminist who date these snowflake warriors at going to be surprised when the SHTF and it’s nothing but chaos out there in reality, who’s going to save them ?

    Keeping them alive, will not save them.

    “Like terrorists, they firmly believe that the crimes they carry out are justified by their religious beliefs.”

  7. As a young service member stationed in England during the mid-70’s, I was armed with a pistol because of a special security program. The Cold War was raging and the IRA was very active at that time. Being very discrete was essential to the program. The people in the village where I lived never had a clue that they had someone among them who could offer a level of protection during a crisis. The Brits don’t seem interested in security, now. They are only sheep happily awaiting slaughter.


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