Rotting human remains and children raped: Why US Border Patrol suicides have skyrocketed under Biden – IOTW Report

Rotting human remains and children raped: Why US Border Patrol suicides have skyrocketed under Biden

It would be unsettling, but maybe it’s time they posted the pictures for all to see and learn.

NYPost: Multiple US Border Patrol agents have described how the horrors they encounter doing their job — including rotting human remains and children who have been raped — while being overwhelmed by waves of migrants during the Biden administration are driving up suicide rates among the ranks.

Frustrated agents workign the US-Mexico border opened up about their grim encounters in wide-ranging interviews with The Free Press on Wednesday, detailing how conditions are leading to a spiraling mental health crisis.

“We regularly see things that people should never see, like rotting human remains, abuse of every kind, babies and kids dying or dead,” one veteran Border Patrol agent, who didn’t want to be named, said. more here

11 Comments on Rotting human remains and children raped: Why US Border Patrol suicides have skyrocketed under Biden

  1. @Left Coast Dan — An indicator of AOC’s degree of humanity is the has most recently been out-of-control outraged by a comment another person made about yet another person’s eyelashes.

  2. as said in a Scottish accent:
    My name?
    Jackass Joe
    I’ve got a license to Fuck Up. Remember, marry into a family with five daughters and you’ll get pushy galore!

  3. While I can sympathize, every policeman, fireman, and medic can say “We regularly see things that people should never see”.

    You either learn to cope or you quit.

    If you do neither, you die.

    It’s that simple.

  4. Just imagine what 1 reporter and an outlet to publish the news could do?

    The day Trump is sworn in these stories will be published and AOC will be leading the charge to, wait for it, … impeachment POTUS Trump for crimes against humanity.


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