GP: For a former great power still trying to flex its military muscles around the world, the United Kingdom is woefully unprepared, with an Army that has ‘shrunk to its smallest size since the Napoleonic Wars’.
With only around 73,000 troops and – believe it or not – only 40 combat-ready battle tanks, it turns out that the shortcomings are also plaguing the Royal Air Force (RAF), that is facing a pilot shortage after a diversity hiring scheme unsurprisingly backfired.
An internal document has revealed that the RAF needs a much higher number of pilots for training.
The Telegraph reported:
“The Air Force is so short-staffed that candidates who were previously rejected are being urged to reapply, as well as older applicants who have experience in ‘flying-related roles’. more here
This is why the US being part of NATO is such a use liability with minimal benefit. Article 5 puts us on the hook needlessly, defending a bunch weak nations who don’t care for their own safety, why should we?
Behold the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences in action.
Only 40 main battle tanks?
We should just conquer them and make them a territory. Then treat them worse the Puerto Rico. I mean… Why not?
Tell me the UK citizens wouldn’t be better off if ruled by Putin. I don’t think you can.
” a former great power ”
My WWII vet father and George Patton would argue that point with you.
The idiots were over here begging rifles off Americans before WWII. My buddy had a Winchester 1890 in 22 Short that was proof marked when they imported it. It was returned with a Parker Rifled barrel liner in it. Those were pretty skookum barrel liners. Back in the early days 22 Short was loaded with black powder and most of them the barrel is rotted out. I don’t know how effective a man stopper 22 Short was, but better than nothing I guess. You would think that after an experience like that they might not want to be in the same position in the future. I guess not.
Shaniqua: “I’m not a pilot, but I once went on a swing set”.
RAF recruiter: “You’re hired”.
“Behold the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences in action.”
Bullshit. “Unintended,” my aunt Katie.
It’s no coincidence that the UK is inundated with rat-people while their Armed Forces are weaker than Monaco’s or Lichtenstein’s.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Limeys will probably have dogs pulling their artillery, as did Belgium in the First World War, except the dogs will be Chihuahuas.
Pathetic excuse for an “Empire.”
sand-****** control always results in disaster
– the dogs will be Chihuahuas… with bad teeth!
‘Diversity’ Hiring Backfires??
More like “working as designed”!
“This cockpit smells like bad curry.”