Royal Family Photo with Princess Kate Withdrawn Quickly – IOTW Report

Royal Family Photo with Princess Kate Withdrawn Quickly


A family photo of the Princess of Wales and her children was withdrawn by international photo agencies by late Sunday over fears it had been “manipulated.”

The withdrawal of the image, released to mark British Mother’s Day, has fueled further speculation about the princess, who was hospitalized in January. More

Paul Joseph Watson points out a number of inconsistencies in the photo Here

20 Comments on Royal Family Photo with Princess Kate Withdrawn Quickly

  1. A fake photo from fake people trying to fake their fake life and tell you right to your face none of it is fake. Looking further down the line you’ll see real people get criminal charges for pointing out the fake or making memes about it. You will believe ze photo or pay.

  2. I really don’t care about the “royals” of a Nation. Whether they wear there marriage rings or photoshop pictures.
    There are no “royals” in today’s society, they were stripped of any duties or function in Government.
    They are no better or worse than other people, the English have elevated a family who gained the royal status by deceit, deception and destroying their enemies centuries ago.
    Nothing to celebrate or be concerned about what they are doing.

  3. When I first heard about I, at least, thought it would be over someone thinking something was “fake” about Catherine seeing as she is the one everyone is so “worried about. When I found out it was over her daughter’s hand looking off I rolled my eyes so hard I almost fell out of my chair.

    Seriously if their rules for not publishing something that hasn’t been digitally edited are that strict how in the world do they ever publish any pictures nowadays?

  4. Okay, if that is the most important thing people in Not-So-Great Britain have to worry about then they have it made.
    I’d be more concerned about the fact that their country is being over run by musloids who would and will kill them at a moments notice.

  5. “Someone isn’t very adept at using the cloning tool and the blur filter in Photoshop.”
    I’m way more adept than your average PS duffer but I still make errors that I catch only when I test print. No amount of pixel peeping on the monitor is sufficient. That said, I think I would have found these.

  6. Really don’t have any comment on the British Royals, whatever, they do photoshopped or not, it has always been pleasing to view photo’s of young kids with their mother. Kate is a gorgeous babe and I have to remind myself to never look back at Jill or that other guy Michelle

  7. The “Royals” are being deceptive, deflecting and disingenuous as usual. Their people are not on a need to know basis about the situation with Kate.

    Guessing Kate’s “stomach” surgery is code for a procedure to eliminate another royal heir. There could be a limit, the possible baby wasn’t viable or Kate’s equipment is faulty.

    Who knows. It’s just unnecessary to keep up this rigmarole with a fake Photoshop pic and misdirection. Honesty is the best policy.

  8. Who cares? I don’t. It’s nothing to do with us. What I care about is Prick Harry suing the British government to get his IPP (Internationally Protected Person) status back. If The Spare is successful in his pursuit, the US government (AKA the American taxpayer) as well as the governments of any country he visits will be on the hook to pay for his round the clock security. He can FOAD, as far as I am concerned.


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