Royal Guards Removed From Posts For Fear of Muslim Attacks – IOTW Report

Royal Guards Removed From Posts For Fear of Muslim Attacks


They also have armed guards guarding the guards.

ht/ finai


12 Comments on Royal Guards Removed From Posts For Fear of Muslim Attacks

  1. Great Britain was great before all the mooslem invaders were let in. Is their own fault, were lied about diversity and such nonsense. The USA is going the same way, it took 50 years to destroy the UK anglo-saxon-scot-welch-irish culture.
    How long will it take to destroy ours?

  2. There might be a strategy behind old Queenies plan – take away the guards from Chuckies house! Oops, Chuckie; you’re on your own!

    Seriously, the ghost of Margaret Thatcher needs to come back and slap every Brit right across the head.

  3. At some point we have to acknowledge that we can’t guard everything and everyone all the time from those who are eager to destroy us. You can’t win a war on the defense – it is just going to require a lot of killing to set things right.

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