Ruben Gallego “we are less than 60 days from totally kicking the sh*t out of the Republicans.” – IOTW Report

Ruben Gallego “we are less than 60 days from totally kicking the sh*t out of the Republicans.”

The U.S. Representative of the 7th District of Arizona, Ruben Gallego believes that the democrats are on the verge of victory. This Saturday he declared as much at a Get Out the Vote event in Maricopa County. Gallego’s call may indeed help drive voters to the polls, only not they voters he is expecting. More

Gallego is running unopposed for his seat in congress.

13 Comments on Ruben Gallego “we are less than 60 days from totally kicking the sh*t out of the Republicans.”

  1. When the blue wave turns out to be less than a fart bubble in the bath tub will that spark these idiots into a hot civil war?

    I ask because I have a gun (well, actually several) and I will travel.

  2. Yeah Clinton was going to kick the shit outta Trump. British Turf Accountant (Bookie) Paddy Powers had Trump at 300/1, and Hillary a 5/11 shooin favotite. Hoo,hoo, hoo. I predict a huge Republican victory in November in spite of the Media.

  3. 17 months ago Jeff said he would put “Moonbeam” in jail. Aint happened!

    I will believe this when Jeff actually does it! For sure I AM NOT HOLDING MHY BREATH!.

    Old Scotch folk saying – “Actions speak louder than words”! Jeff’s actins say he is part of the Obama/Bush UNIPARTY. There is little doubt in my mind that Jeff blanked out the items showing the CIA/FBI was going after conservatives, and only after conservatives!

  4. the summer before nov 2016 i tried an internet search to find where i could place a bet in Vegas on Trump. Didnt find one. Wish i would have persisted.

    but if rooooben wins he will be very lonely on the hill. So many of his buddies will be gone.

  5. Geoff/Charlie. I actually tried to get a $100 bet on with Powers. I tried several times but failed. I’m computer illiterate and couldn’t negotiate the deal? It would have been a nice win.

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