Rubio Campaign Admits: “Gang of Eight” Amnesty Bill Really Didn’t Secure the Border First – IOTW Report

Rubio Campaign Admits: “Gang of Eight” Amnesty Bill Really Didn’t Secure the Border First

marco rubio and gang

DougRoss: In a remarkable interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer following Thursday night’s presidential debate, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)’s campaign spokesman, Alex Conant, admitted that the 2013 Gang of Eight bill, which Rubio co-authored and ushered through the Senate, did not secure the border first.

In the Friday interview, Blitzer pressed Conant on whether in 2013 Sen. Rubio “called up the [former] Florida governor [Jeb Bush] and asked him for his support for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in the United States.” Conant dodged the question twice, refusing to directly answer whether Rubio had called Governor Bush to ask for him to endorse the 2013 amnesty bill. Rubio’s bill, unlike Jeb’s book, pushed citizenship for illegal aliens of all ages.

In the course of dodging the question, Conant declared: MORE

3 Comments on Rubio Campaign Admits: “Gang of Eight” Amnesty Bill Really Didn’t Secure the Border First

  1. The GOPe has found their replacement candidate for ‘Ole’ Yebby. ‘Ole’ Ocho Marco is now their preferred candidate to assume Yeb’s mantle as the open borders/amnesty candidate who will hopefully win the nomination for them by eschewing and disdaining the base of the party! Trillions of crony capitalist tax dollars at stake for them you know!

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