Rubio says he’s the best decision maker in the 2016 race – IOTW Report

Rubio says he’s the best decision maker in the 2016 race

rubio ms8

NYP-–WASHINGTON — Marco Rubio claimed Sunday he has the best decision-making ability of all the presidential contenders despite his youth and lack of executive experience.

“I do not believe there’s anyone else in this race that has shown better judgment on the issues before America today than I have and better understanding of them,” Rubio, 44, boasted on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” who said his particular strength is foreign policy — “the most important obligation of a president.”

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10 Comments on Rubio says he’s the best decision maker in the 2016 race

  1. Yeah, nothing says you’re a great decision maker like telling everyone you’re against amnesty when you ran for the senate and then joining up with Schumer to push it down our throats.

    He’s been bought and paid for-he’s a proven liar-I will not vote for him if he’s the nominee.

    Typical DC douche. The money boys pull his strings.

  2. I was under the impression that “the most important obligation of a president” was to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and … preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    Not to be astute on foreign policy.

    Marco – if you preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, all the other shit follows.

    See how that works?
    That’s what Obama got wrong.

  3. Sticking one’s wet finger in the air or following the likes of progressives schumer, mcCain, lindsey graham, dick durbin and jeff flake does nothing to bolster his assertion of his superior decision making prowess.

    But hey, if you say it on CBS Face the Nation, it must be true.

    Just follow the money marco……..
    bend , waffle and tell half truths, the billionaire donors will come your way, they prefer malleable unprincipled leadership.
    Once you’re bought, you stay bought does not reflect good decision making either.

  4. That picture with him surrounded by slime (with all due respect) gets me every time. Go home, pretty boy. We don’t need your type in Washington. I bet Florida won’t need your type any longer either. I will give you this… you are one slick talker.

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