‘RUDE’ — Fox Business Interview Goes From Bad To Worse For Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

‘RUDE’ — Fox Business Interview Goes From Bad To Worse For Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter [VIDEO]


DC: Christine Pelosi’s Friday morning interview on Fox Business quickly devolved into an all-out screaming match with host Maria Bartiromo.

“It’s so rude to talk on top of somebody else,” she continued. “And you’re just–you know what you’re doing? You’re giving the finger to the audience.”


31 Comments on ‘RUDE’ — Fox Business Interview Goes From Bad To Worse For Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter [VIDEO]

  1. The voters in Cali love this kind of woman.
    I would suggest that Cali has about 2 to 5 years left before total collapse and a mass die-off.
    Good luck and I hope we build a wall around you, for pollution control.

  2. Stevo, yeah as soon as she said the words “shovel ready” you could see in Maria’s eyes that her bullshit meter alarm was going wild.

    That rant was awesome and I wish more hosts would get this “that’s enough” attitude.

  3. It’s like fingernails on blackboard, but I hope they keep airing these rude, stupid, loud, leftists (but I repeat myself.

    Letting the sunshine reveal their flaws is painfully beautiful.

  4. @Oil Field Trash

    Consider the source. Rot produces rot.

    The obvious thing to notice, is that hese liberal WESTWORLD escapees, are only able to repeat their program. Get off track even a little, and we have buffering and looping.

    But you always have the few liberals, who think they are breaking free and can speak for themselves; those are the ones Tucker Carlson skewers.

    I love it. It is highly entertains to see what excuse is dug up next. I think I enjoy it, because I love children and there is NOTHING more entertaining than to watch a child with chocolate all over his face, explain where the candy went. Their faces are exactly like the loser liberals, searching for excuse after excuse to explain Hillary’s loss, completely ignoring the rotting corpse propped up near them. AMAZING. I love it. Someone needs to put together a You Tube piece.

  5. If you recall Tucker Carlson had Newsweek’s Curt(!) Eichenwald on a few nights ago and he did the exact same thing… refusing to answer any questions and talking on and on about nothing without allowing Carlson to get a word in edgewise. Filibustering at it’s finest and the start of a new libturd interview strategy?

  6. These so-called news “interviews” are a waste of time. They accomplish nothing. They convince no one. They are exercises in futility, plain and simple.

    P.S. – I never liked soap operas on regular TV, either.

  7. @wz_tspc & @Vietvet

    Just like the “Trump urged Russia to hack The United States government” story, you go on TV and lie, so that someone else can say that “credible sources” (even Fox) have “reported” that … blah, blah, blah.

  8. Christine is used to the audience her mother plays to – San Francisco liberals. These people are truly wacko, and so long as you pretend you empathize with far left liberals, you can say whatever idiotic thing you want. Nancy Pelosie has used this tactic to garner wealth and power.

    The problem arises when the Pelosis attempt to take their show on the road. Outside of the Bay area, too many people see them as they are – opportunists who use far left loons to obtain wealth and political power. Their schtick, devoid of facts, coherent argument and frequently outright lies, falls apart under even minimal scrutiny. Nationally, the Pelosis are exposed for what they really are – grifters taking advantage of the ignorant.

    Nancy Pelosi has actually been useful for me. Some of my aquaintenances absolutely hate Sarah Palin, and they frequently mock some of Palin’s uterrances. However, I collected some of Nancy Pelosi’s more ignorant and stupid utterances, and even among liberals comparing gaffe versus gaffe results in a win for me. I suppose it’s unfair because the Pelosis are lost outside of the Bay area, but it’s still great fun.

  9. She is like Mommy Dearest….remember when Piglosi Sr said…”we have both Houses, and we have the gavel….erm…we DON’T have the gavel”…cue in braying jackass EEE AWWW EEEEE AWWWW, looking like some goat herding ME started jabbing her saggy ass with his goat poker.

  10. Yep, shovel ready jobs, for sure. Chicago has been on the up tick in that area. They need more grave diggers to dig graves for the abundance of dead citizens. Hell, even the grave diggers don’t know if they’re digging their own grave, but they keep digging. You gotta love it, now that’s commitment at its finest.

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