Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Comes Out As a “Unicorn” – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Comes Out As a “Unicorn”

What is a unicorn?

That is a person who prefers to date couples.

Did I say “date”? I meant f**k.

I don’t care how she tries to mitigate and explain and soft soap her “journey” with psychobabble. She is a slut.

Yes, slut.

These are relationships that are built around one thing – bumping uglies with men and women.

She says she’s suffered from mental illness, like anorexia. Should she be using the past tense on that? To escape the stigma of being a slut, maybe she can say she is nuts.

(It is, though, hard to say “I am nuts” with nuts in your mouth.)


Caroline Rose Giuliani is opening up about her sexuality and journey into polyamory.

In an essay for Vanity Fair published Thursday, Rudy Giuliani‘s daughter shared her experience as a unicorn — a woman who acts as the third partner for couples looking to have a threesome.

Caroline, 32, explains in the essay that she truly started to embrace her “curiosity, open-mindedness, and sense of adventure” after she started sleeping with couples.

“Finding the strength to explore these more complicated, passionate aspects of my personality became the key to harnessing my voice and creative spark, which in turn helped me better cope with depression, anxiety, and the lingering cognitive effects of adolescent anorexia,” she wrote.


ht/ marco

47 Comments on Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Comes Out As a “Unicorn”

  1. Why do these people think anyone gives a rats ass who or how they f**k? I am so sick of people cramming their personal weirdness down our throats — no pun intended. Just STFU for Crissakes.

  2. @ Redgrandma MARCH 5, 2021 AT 3:24 PM

    “Why do these people think anyone gives a rats ass who or how they f**k?”

    The answer is all right here:

    When DNs are confident that they have enough power, be it over a small group of people (family members, co-workers, social circle, cult), or on a macro scale, such as in a government, large corporation, or The Church, they will become progressively more bold and VISIBLE in their crimes in order to generate ever-higher amounts of diabolical narcissistic satisfaction.

    Now here is where it gets interesting. For DNs, the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction. No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

  3. “which in turn helped me better cope with depression, anxiety,”

    Replacing one problem with another.
    And she’s not going to seek help and work at it. she’s just going to trash herself.

  4. And then there is the “I’m more fucked up than thou” ethic that is part and parcel of progressivism. They have been conditioned to think it gains them intersectionality points. The more fucked up they are the closer they move to the front of the the progs grievance reparations line.

  5. JDHasty’s thesis isn’t just partly correct. It’s a 100% accurate, four square analysis of her problem. (Now, don’t look up the interpretation of ‘four square’ on the Urban Dictionary.)

  6. I’ve always preferred quality over quantity. She wouldn’t make the cut. I think the pussafication of any thing with a dick plays a major role in this type of behavior from young women too.

  7. I feel for Rudy. Last year when I found out my daughter was a dyke, I promptly had a heart attack. For people not raised right, you can’t blame them. They don’t know better. My daughter knows better. I’ve met a lot of new people on the job in the last year and they’ve asked if I have children. Now, I say no.

  8. @Brad

    You make a good point about pussification.

    I feel sorry for most young women these days when I see the type of “men” they have to choose from. Weak, useless with tools, unable to make a decision, afraid to speak up, infatuated with fashion, and sometimes VEGAN.

    Then you accidentally speak to these young women and realize they are getting EXACTLY what they deserve.

    You made your bed baby!

  9. Fifty years ago it wuz “I don’t care whut ya do behind closed doors, so long as you leave me out of it”. Well that wasn’t good enough was it? Now they want to shove their sexuality, no matter how twisted, down our throats (and up our asses)! It seems to be the things to do thanks to the fucked up, complicit Media!

  10. Low self esteem also leads to envy and resentment of anyone who has something thy thing they themselves deserve, but have been cheated out of. She resents the fact that Rudy gets recognition for having been successful and wants to tear him down. She thinks that she is hamulating him by doing something as cheap, crass and tawdry as to pull this stunt. Actually, he isn’t humiliated by it. It isn’t a reflection on him that his daughter is a miserable pathetic failure, he did his best and it wasn’t good enough for the ungrateful bitch.

  11. It’s complicated is the new explanation for why normal people don’t appreciate her desire for attention. She was raised by her mother, who divorced Rudy Giuliani in a very contentious, prolonged legal case that was exacerbated by lots of bad publicity. Her brother is just the opposite, and a strong Trump supporter. She’s obviously the author of her most of her own misfortune.

  12. It’s sad. This is someone who had to embarrass her father. And what better way but to bring out all the guns. Being the third wheel in a relationship!! Sure sounds like she has self-esteem problems.

    God Bless us all!

  13. In college, I noticed that one of the behavior patterns that was common to daughters who disappointed their high achieving fathers was that they sometimes became ultra needy attention whores who often felt compelled to tell anyone they met who they were fucking, how often they were fucking, and how they were fucking, as if spreading their legs took even an iota of talent. They do this because it’s a great technique to capture the undivided attention of horny dudes, but any self-respecting person just listens to them prattle on and marvels at what dumb fucking sluts they are.

  14. The selfish brat won’t get the satisfaction she craves. She may eventually have her fill of being a freak but she may be too addicted to the depravity to let it go – no less than she deserved, it’s her choice.

    She is accountable for her behavior, yet Giuliani and her mother get some, if not most of the blame for their daughter needing this kind of twisted, psychotic attention.


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