Rudy on Bartiromo – Things Are Shaping Up – IOTW Report

Rudy on Bartiromo – Things Are Shaping Up

24 Comments on Rudy on Bartiromo – Things Are Shaping Up

  1. Assuming Giuliani has enough evidence to make strong cases, it’s still up to the courts. I’m assuming that with each court that rules against the Trump team they’ll take it to the next higher court until it gets to the Supreme. That’s ultimately where this all stops.

  2. Anyone who visited Drudge on a regular basis knew that Drudge was no longer “Drudge” a few years ago. What happened is like an old consumer trick. For example Fisher audio used to be a manufacturer of good HiFi gear back in the 50s and 60s. Then they sold out and became cheap junk that capitalized on a good name. No different than what happened to the Drudge Report.
    If ya can’t beat ’em, buy ’em!

  3. Seems to me if you have thousands of ballots that were filled out for Briben with very limited time at 4am by a certain group of people that the filled in circles would be very similar. Everyone fills those circles differently and if you come up with a bunch of them with circles filled in the same way, there’s your proof. Without even considering the names and signatures that are supposed to be tied to them.

    It’s almost like a fourth grade investigator could make an accurate determination. Why is it so frickin difficult? That’s right.. democrats.

  4. On a defeatist attitutde:

    How many of you have listened to or watched Fr. Ripperger, the rather famous Catholic exorcist?

    I’m not Catholic and I confess I have always been skeptical of a part of the church which requires intermediaries (that is, if I even understand their doctrine correctly) to God and Christ.

    However, earlier to day I listened to this discussion he had with two other Catholics about the Communist Left and how we need to combat the unrelenting warfare being waged on us by the devil and his minions. I have to agree with much of what he says.

    Thought I’d post this just in case it might be helpful to anyone who wants to give in to doubt and demoralization.

  5. And just in case you need some immediate relief:

    Bible Gateway’s “Verse of the Day” for today:

    Psalm 119:143

    New International Version

    Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.

    (You can sign up for their Verse of the Day for phone/email)

  6. “Assuming Giuliani has enough evidence to make strong cases, it’s still up to the courts.”

    Not if the fraud is overwhelming and he goes to the insurrection act. Now we are talking Military Tribunals.

  7. @AbigailAdams,
    I admit the Catholic faith has always been off to me. One thing though I’ve always agreed with is possession and demons. I have been to Churches in all different denominations who seem to think there is only Satan running around and demons and possession is something that just ended with Jesus casting them into pigs. I believe evil exists and that demons exist and that someone can be possessed by demons. I’m not really sold on children being possessed, because I think you have to be living a sinful, evil life and invite the demons in.

    I think there are very few, if any democrats who are not evil, so probably many of them that are demon possessed.

  8. You may want to discount Rudy for whatever reason but Sydney Powell and Lin Wood along with General Flynn and General Mcinerney seem damn straight that the fraud will not to be gotten away with. Mike Pompeo seemed like he wasnt joking either. We all know the election fraud occurred. I find it hard to convince myself Trump and his team knew it was coming and are just going to surrender because the media is covering it up. The stakes could not be higher, this is simply the life or death of the country. Everything is on the line. Im betting that the 2018 Executive Order on election fraud and the National Emergency he declared to put it into effect for this election has something to do with it. I believe the shit storm is coming. He beat them every step of the way, Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Tax Return Hoax, Impeachment Hoax, 25th Amendment Hoax, and now Election Fraud/Dominion Hoax. My money, future, and faith is all on Team Trump, Team America.


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