Rumor- Donald Trump’s Chief-of-Staff – IOTW Report

Rumor- Donald Trump’s Chief-of-Staff

DC Whispers –

A newly whispered rumor involves Donald Trump and XXXXXXXXX having preliminary discussion about XXXXXXX’s involvement in a Trump White House as the potential new president’s Chief of Staff.

Trump is said to have made clear his intention to surround himself with a mix of business-savvy men and women as well as some who have considerable experience dealing with the monstrosity that is D.C. politics.

See the guy after the jump——->

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ht/ PT

67 Comments on Rumor- Donald Trump’s Chief-of-Staff

  1. Rumors of who he will pick.
    Rumors of what he will do as president.
    I suspect Trump already knows he would take the job, but Trump needs to send up a balloon first before making a decision.
    Once the poll data comes in, he will make a brave decision.

  2. Just a thought — not married to the idea.

    Gingrich was my choice in ’12. I argued tooth and nail for his nomination over Romney and it was based on being convinced by his conviction that America (in ’12) was still a center-right country and his belief that it was time to go for the great divide, to galvanize conservatives into a monolithic block with no apologies or by trying to appease moderates/liberals by caving on policy and, especially, social issues like gay marriage and abortion. You could hear Gingrich talk very explicitly about this at private, conservative-only functions like David Horowitz’s annual meetings and so on, and he’d been consistent about his views for years. But Gingrich, like Trump now, couched his ideas in populist terms that always harked back to his days as Clinton’s house unifier. And just like today, Gingrich had his “True Conservative” critics who were convinced he was a sell-out to their purist ideology. That could be used against Trump as proof of their RINO suspicions.

    I haven’t really thought of or followed Gingrich in the past few years, so I don’t know any of missteps or gaffes in the intervening years.

    I don’t know what to think of a Gingrich Veep. He’s older now so I don’t know what that means if he had to fulfill the POTUS spot or if he would run again at the conclusion of a Trump WH. I kind of doubt it. But if Gingrich is still as smart and as deep a thinker as I knew him to be, it could be a huge win for us. My only worry would be if he has too many makers outstanding and that sucks us back into the GOPe machine. It wouldn’t hurt, either, if Calista updated her do.

  3. not sure whether this is a negative piece or a positive piece

    there are at least as many that would be turned off by this announcement as turned on by it

    ….said from a former supporter of the Newt….

  4. It’s been a really tough 7 years so far for me. Stagnant pay, massive inflation, career changes and changes again.

    The double whammy with the “recession” in 2008 along with 0bama was and is crushing to me and all of us. I had my hopes up in 12 for a reprieve but no dice.

    I’m starting to get excited. Do I dare? Will Trump give us real hope to get our country back? Up until this point it’s been interesting and a lot of grins and games, but shizzle be gettin’ real.

    Are the adults taking the keys back? Is this real? Can we hope again? Do we have a chance of taking things back from the destruction?

    I think I might cry.

  5. Newt understands the evil of Pisslam and knows how to defeat it. I expect he has a few ideas on the massive proliferation of welfare we’ve seen under Barack Insane Obozo.

    I would love to see Allen West in the White House in any capacity.

  6. I hope you are correct Bob.
    I vacillate between hope and despair.

    I am so tired of this election season and I have yet to vote.
    I am pissed at all the candidates but I hope for the best.

    I was like a virgin last August.
    I liked nearly all of our guys & gal.
    Things of course got ugly. Really ugly.

    The eternal drinking optimist is still hanging by a thread…

  7. Loco, you’re a smart guy, figure it out. Every one since Reagan has Fcked us. EVERYONE. You can’t get different results doing the same thing over and over again. Roll the dice. Exactly what do we have to lose?

  8. @Bob_Annon —

    I have to look at it this way: I try to take as much “gut” out my decisions as possible through so-called due diligence. I’ve done that and now I’m all in and that means I’m not looking back. If something happens to Trump or by Trump at some point I realize I have to go with the nominee. But unless that happens this is the first time I’ll have ever voted for anyone who I was actually looking forward to voting for with unvarnished enthusiasm. And that makes me incredibly happy for the first time in a long, long time. I have no doubt that Trump will succeed and our family will, too, because of him.

    And just like you, we’ve seen our income cut to less than half of what it was in ’08. Thankfully we have real estate, but the annual taxes aren’t getting any cheaper and we’ve lost thousands in the market crashes caused by obama’s unreliable economy and it looks like we’re in for worse. I know the market will respond favorably to a Trump nomination because of confidence alone.

    The only good thing about any of the past eight years is we’ve gotten really good at figuring out how get along on less and less. I’m looking forward to a long-coming vacation from the stresses of this catastrophic era in American history.

  9. AA, it’s very important to realize, the financial train wreck was not caused or started by the Anti Christ that currently holds the highest office in the land. I always tell my buds it took a Clinton and two Bush’s to kill Reagan prosperity. That’s why we need Trump.

  10. Boom. One can never con (cheat) an honest person. Those ads seem to me to be made by losers. Sad faced whiners. I am not familiar with Trump University, but with any University, or College, one is not guaranteed success in life. Let’s see how the law suit pans out

  11. BB — That’s so true. But obama’s shocking national debt increase has been under him and he’s done everything wrong so far as slowing or even trying to reverse any of it. He’s spent like the proverbial drunken sailor. Well, you know…

  12. AA, It’s all about redistribution with that little communist. He’s been a failure to his own cause. We still have our guns and very few prayer rugs around town. He will go down as a loser to both sides. The real enemy are the people that preceded him. You can’t drive a dynamic economy like ours into the ground with out a real good plan. The same people that were responsible for that are plotting Trumps demise.

  13. Really, 35 messages? And you think Newt would really take any job under Trump? You Trump people are something special! You have just written long posts on something that will never happen.

  14. @AA – I actually agree with you re Newt. But I had to laugh. You said Callista should update her ‘do. Yup, she should. But you don’t have a problem with Trump’s ‘do? He looks ridiculous. Not important in the grand scheme of things but it does say some small thing about his lack of self-awareness. Does he really think he looks great?

  15. I had a three beer conversation with the head of the Rep party in my county today.
    This is exactly what he said, “Trump is not the most politically astute person to run for president, he does know how to find the
    best and brightest, then use those to make him look like a genius.”,
    had to agree.

  16. Open the Door. I don’t totally disagree with what you’ve written, but could you pass along your Reps resume because I want to see if he’s even fucking dumber than I am. What’s his name Fred Merts. My great aunts second cousin on my great grand father side twice removed said the same god damn thing.
    Honestly if we could stop bull shit posts like this, it would help. I’m sure your reps a rocket surgeon.

  17. Meerkat Brzezinski , I’m not a “Trump people”, Cruz is my guy. But I’m looking for a Conservative win to save America. So, if it looks like Trump has the best chance of winning, I’ll be backing him when the time comes.

    Trump might be just what we need to fix the rino stronghold in Washington (but I will always trust a man who puts God first in his life over a man who puts money first). Nobody’s perfect. Their stance on sharia law should be a number one concern at this point … ( *vague reference meant to induce research* ) …

    We have to win this one!

  18. It’s come to a point where I can’t deal with you Trumpkins. It’s like the Obama fanatics back in ’07, but you people used to be Tea Party on my side. Now you are the polar opposites of Bernie Marxist fanatical. You have lost all sense of the the founding of the nation. You are just angry dolts.

  19. Meerkat, just be careful that you don’t turn 50% of your friends here against you because they think “Trumpkins” is an insult.

    Vetting is good, and necessary. But fighting Conservatives is not a very good sport. And some may see that label as “fightin’ words”. 😉

    And I hope you don’t take offense by this comment, none intended.

  20. Also UR, Trump supporters have checked there conservative cred at the door. They are not conservatives. You cannot be a conservative and support Donald Trump. You may think you are conservative, like a republican running for reelection, but you are truly not.

  21. Meerkat, but you don’t have to support him to vote for him. Some could be holding their noses, knowing or thinking that he has a better chance of winning because there is a wider band of the spectrum of voters who are attracted to him. Even some dems.

    He’s a hell of a lot better than a bernie or a hillary, you have to admit that! And we are SUNK if the dems win this one. You know there will be rampant cheating at the dem polls. We have to get mucho votes to offset the fraud of the Left. So our guy has to be WAY ahead of the rest if we are to stand a chance. If Cruz is in that position when the time comes, he will surely get my vote.

  22. UR, I get all that and if Trump vs. Socialist, I will be at the polls as will my wife to vote for Trump.

    I’m just not a Trump fan. Much less than even McCain or Romney, who I was not in their camps either. But Trump is an impostor. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. And all this blind trust! I read on this site a couple of replies from otherwise smart people in a survey here, “I like Cruz, but he can’t win, so I will vote Trump”? What!?

  23. Meerkat, just between you and me, I still think he’s an asshole. But I don’t think it beneficial to announce that to his supporters. Some of my best friends are assholes, that’s not a deal breaker.

    I hear what you are saying about trust. Hope we win this crap shoot.

  24. TO Plain Jane

    I’ve read about that in other sources.
    At this point, Rubio is WAAAY back in Floirda.

    Two words to describe Romney: LO. SER.
    The GOPe might as well enbalm !Jeb! and put him up a second time.

    And they want to try to derail Trump with THAT?!?
    Let. Them. Try.

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