That Was The Reason You Left – IOTW Report

That Was The Reason You Left

This Army cadence starts out with the list of reasons they left home to join the Army. Of all the videos that we see of them joyfully returning home to their dogs, children and spouses, I don’t remember one where they left to the tears and dread of what might happen to them on the faces of their loved ones.

For me, I started out feeling somewhat depressed until the part about “That was the reason you left”. I was filled with pride for them. That is why they leave to serve our country, to keep us and their loved ones safe – those people they had to leave.

And those people cried. They know the chance that they will never see them again. That is courage, too. That is service.

We all know what has happened to our military. But it’s not all lost. We are not lost when good people still leave to serve. Let’s honor those who honor us with their service.

Watch the video HERE.

h/t Dadof4: “There is something for everyone in this; from the patriotic to the sadistic left (who want them to suffer), with a meaningful risk of life and sacrifice in between.

I really found it joyful when it started. Kind of affected me differently as it went on toward the end. In meaningful ways.”

17 Comments on That Was The Reason You Left

  1. And the clean version too. No mention of Jodie being there when you left. For those who don’t know, Jodie is the guy seeing your girl while you are away. He’s there when you go to boot camp and when you deploy. Lots of cadence’s have Jodie as a feature, most are probably not allowed anymore. We got in trouble singing Napalm Sticks to Kids while running through housing at 6 am, and that was in the mid-90s. Can’t imagine what’s allowed now.

  2. I did basic in Fort Jackson in the 80s. It was just after they stopped letting the DI’s take a trash can upside yo’ head.

    While I was there Jody got my girl. Fun times. The rest of my life was cake.

    You joined either to find something or get away from it. Also free college.

  3. The freaks the left is pulling into the military – and the “DIE” training they’re doing to the troops is nothing more than training the military to turn their guns ON YOU AND ME.

  4. saw a cheerful news vid of soldiers being deployed from Ft. Bragg yesterday where they interviewed a piece of cannon fodder being deployed to Poland. he stated that “this is what I signed up for. two more years; that’s my job”

    … smiling all the while

    btw, you just know they’re setting this bullshit up for a Biden Nobel Peace Prize … “Peace in our lifetimes!” …. you heard it here first kiddies!

    “Jingle Bells, mortar shells, bullets fly awful fast.
    Take your Merry Christmas & stick it up your ass!”

    yeah, ‘Nam was fun … so was Korea … & all the wars fought for politicians … since at least Rameses II

  5. All cadence calls, no matter the topic, were termed “Jodys” when I was in basic, and there were lots of different ones.

    This one was probably a leftover from WW2:

    “The Japs they are a funny race…”
    (marchers repeat)
    “They slit their bellies to save their face.”
    (marchers repeat)
    “Sound off!”
    (“One, two!”)
    “Sound off!”
    (“Three, four!”)
    “Cadence count!”
    (One, two, three, four, one two…three four!”)

    P.S. – I’m guessing they don’t do that one anymore.

  6. Here it is on CensorTube

    I Left My Home
    Your mother was home when you left *your right!
    Your father was home when you left *your right!
    your sister was home when you left *your right!
    your brother was home when you left *your right!

    your mother, your father, your sister, your brother,
    the dog, the cat, the fish, the rat, your aunt, your uncle, and both of your cousins, your papa, your granny, the maid, the nanny, they all was home when you left *your right!
    And thats the reason you left* your right!

    I left my hoooome /for the army/
    I left my hoooome/ for the army/
    the day I leeeeft/my mama criiied/
    she thought that IIII/was gonna diiie/
    I left my wiiife/ standin at the dooooor/
    she thought that IIIIII/would die at waaaar/
    I left my soooooon/ playin in the yaaard/
    to see his daddy leeaave/ made him cry so haaaard/
    the day I leeeeft/I shook my daddy’s haaand/
    He said that IIIIII/ had become a maaaaan/
    oowie oowiiieeeee/ oowiie owieeeeeeeee/
    oowie oowieeeeeee/ oowie owieeeeeeeeeeeeee/


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