Runaway Truck Uses Runaway Truck Ramp – IOTW Report

Runaway Truck Uses Runaway Truck Ramp

Look how far up the gravel this truck goes.

ht/ nm

46 Comments on Runaway Truck Uses Runaway Truck Ramp

  1. I was out teaching my daughter to drive today and it was definitely worse than that. I’m still shaking 8 hours later. YOU ARE NOT THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!, you are the right 2/3rd

  2. G-d Bless him. I don’t drive road tractors, but I do drive 20,000 pound farm trucks. It’s pretty dicey some times. I’ve had my brain blaring, “GOTTA BIN!” I’m not one to panic… but sometimes your brain is screaming at you, “YOU BETTER BIN THIS PIG!”

    G-d Bless him. He binned majestically. He binned with skill, fortitude, and iron nerve.

  3. Those runaway ramps are filled with 16-18″ of loose gravel (according to Geoff C.), to slow the vehicle down, too! That was spectacular!

    (I had no idea the act was called “binning”.)

  4. What happened next?

    The trailer top and sides slide open and launch a guided ballon on a 3 hour IOTW anniversary flight over Majestic Mountain Majesties.

    Future proofed in motion and still pictures

  5. Bin also means to run off the road to avoid something. A bin doesn’t necessarily catch you. A bin sometimes isn’t a thing… sometimes it’s just blind avoidance.

  6. I cannot go out with my daughter again! I need a professional. She managed to hit every pot hole, nearly missed a trash bin, and ran over some piece of big metal in the road with her tire. I am done.

    Tomorrow I need to check the undercarriage where this hit to make sure there is no damage.

  7. Awright then….it has to be Irish……..Bin also means to run off the road to avoid something. A bin doesn’t necessarily catch you. A bin sometimes isn’t a thing… sometimes it’s just blind avoidance.


  8. “I need a professional.”

    Pro Tip:
    Well who took her down a road with metal on it?
    Rent a couple of hours at a track with orange cones.
    Or ask a fire dept if you can sign out 10 cones in trade for a couple scoops of ice cream.

    Think outside the cone.

  9. I have been passed by two.

    #1 was coming down Whitebird ~ 1992 driving my Geo Metro. Heard the horn and GTF out of the way. Slag was coming off the brakes like a cutting torch when it went by. I suspect it entered the ramp at 80 mph

    #2 was headed east out of Butte headed down to Threeforks ~1995. Heard it coming from behind, but was towing my little travel trailer behind my 1988 Ranger pickup and could not see it coming. Went by like I was in reverse.

    Both times I was first on the scene and the driver was both times unintelligible, incoherent or what have you. Poor bastards were incapable of even walking. They were both shaking like a dog shitting peach pits and I couldn’t communicate with them. I was actually able to drive right up close to the cab of the tractor both times.

  10. “So, if he has no brakes, is he just going to roll back down into traffic?
    Color me perplexed.”

    Not even close. The ramp is maybe two feet deep in loose gravel. It will probably take a couple of large wreckers to winch that truck back down the slope. Nothing heavy can roll in that stuff at all, it just sinks.

  11. And now for the other side…
    Damn few left that are worth anything.
    On the weekends when I play “Rent-a-Cop” I check in loads at the facility that I’m at.

    Truckers?: Many can’t speak english, some don’t have a license from the US, Sometimes have to air out the security center after they’ve been inside for five minutes, you don’t want to know the toilet habits of the Mid Eastern ex camel jockeys, can’t back a trailer into a door to save their soul from hell. I could go on…

    Have many stories like Supernightshade…

  12. The Kinetic Energy (1/2 MV^2) at the bottom is equal to (less friction) the Potential Energy (MGH) at the top.

    Just one of the reasons to take driving seriously.
    (momentum’s another)

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Don’t know if the origin of this driving term is Irish, but ‘bin’ in Ireland is indeed a trash can. The bag you put in it is called a ‘liner.’ Thus, the Irish nickname for the world’s most murderous muslim was Osama Bin Liner.

  14. This is one of the biggest reasons that I generally let chip trucks and log trucks that are behind me on narrow 2 lane roads in Idaho and Montana get in front of me. I’ll pull out and let them pass me because I don’t trust a lot of these maniacs who drive like bats out of hell. And I have seen more than one large truck forced to take the runaway truck ramp on the steep Lewiston grade on Hwy. 95 going down to Lewiston, Id.

  15. We just pulled our fiver from Oregon to Las Vegas about 1/2 way through our trailer brakes stopped working. The fix was easy, but that first hard stop was…thrilling!

    PS: Doc inspired me to modify my signature.

  16. My sister and I took a road trip about 5 years ago through Colorado and Utah to visit National parks. We saw many of these ramps and were glad we didn’t have to witness one in action. I sent her a link to this to show her what we missed! Yowza!

    @Meerkat, I had the same experience with a relative, except it was teaching him how to use a computer! Absolutely ZERO experience, unaware of even the most basic terminology and absolutely no clue in using a keyboard or mouse.

    Believe me, DO NOT *EVER*, try this at home! If I had known the grief it was going to cause, I would have made him take classes at Best Buy or somewhere. Being family, he felt safe in yelling at me when he didn’t understand something. He would never have gotten away with it if learning from a stranger!

    Good luck finding a professional to teach your daughter to drive. I feel for you!

  17. I was coming down Saluda Grade in N. Carolina as a driver trainee and was ordered by my instructor to use high gear. In less than a quarter mile we hit 70. (These trucks were governed for 65 on the highway when pulling.) I knew we were out of control and started applying the brakes which faded in a hurry. I did manage to take an offramp and get it stopped.
    There was a controversy at the time about riding the brakes or pumping the brakes. As soon as I released the brakes it would take off. I was practically standing on the pedal to get it stopped.

  18. Dang, that highway, the steepness and length of the runaway truck ramp look just like the one on Sandstone Mountain on I-64, east if Beckley, WV.

    I used to wonder why the ramp was so steep, so long, and why the gravel was so deep. Now I know. .

    Sadly, a recent comment below a similar video stated that a week before this video another driver in Colo. did not use the runaway ramp and four people were killed.

  19. One of my biggest pet peeves is jackasses who pass by me driving over the double yellow lines on roads like in this video. Some people just have no patience, sometimes I wish I had a photon torpedo so I could nuke the bastards and disintegrate them.

  20. Bah. If that driver had any balls he wouldn’t have ridden the brakes. He didn’t even launch off the ramp, clear the mountain and land on the ramp on the other side.

    I’m just sayin’ Super Dave Osborne would have made it.


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