Running underwater weighed down by rock – IOTW Report

Running underwater weighed down by rock

36 Comments on Running underwater weighed down by rock

  1. When I was a kid I could hold my breath for two minutes (resting) and tread water forever. It was part of my training in the course of getting my dive certification.

    She’s fit as a fiddle. Bravo!

  2. The wife swam competitively. Shit, she car pooled with Mark Spitz. That’s no shit. So, my kids started swimming at birth actually. Except for the last one. Poor Son of a Bitch was built like me. We take up some space, and no not fat. Well, he turns 6 and expressed an interest in swim team. Shit, this means I need to attend these all day events from hell.
    He still holds records starting from 6 and under to 16 an under. Not to sell the other short. My daughter still holds a record in the 1,000 mile freestyle. Might have been a little shorter than that, but damn they should consider the spectators in this sport. Who the hell want’s to watch some one swim for an hour? Not me. Not even if it’s my kid.
    Funny part is the wife still waxes all their asses inside 25 yards.

  3. BB — Swimming was my sport, too. It’s right up there with rowing (which was my hobby) for getting an overall strength/cardio workout. I preferred swimming, though, because you don’t get all sweaty and stuff. Anything like the tempo of swimming/rowing puts you in the zone and you can go forever. And unlike running, it doesn’t shred your joints.

    Mark Spitz was my idol in H.S. I had the full-sized poster.

    1000 miles?! All at once?! 😉

  4. AbigailAdams

    Might have been a 1000 yards. She seemed excited. It Sucked, LOL. The Jeopardy theme song started playing when the starters pistol went off.
    Luckily the little guy started wrestling early. Good times. Surprisingly the wife was totally stoked. In review I can’t believe the amount of time we spent at kids sporting events.

  5. Tell me! With just one = Four hours/week warming a bench at TKD for SIX years. Then it was Geoff’s turn for the next six years for soccer practice/weekly games/play-offs, pizza parties, awards banquets, snack, team photos. I was there for every practice and game for the first year, then just the games in the 2nd year, and in years 3,4,5,6 I only showed up for the final tournament game if the team made it that far (they always did). I’d rather sit by a pool with a good book then stand in a mud puddle in 30 degree weather on a soccer field at night. By the time #1 daughter took up varsity cheer and orchestra, we only had to attend competitions and concerts.

  6. Funny, I apparently don’t visibly breath. i’ve been doing deep breathing for at least 20 years, and my trainer at the gym is always telling me to breath. So is any PT that has worked with me. But, put a dive tank on me, and I hyperventilate. Love to snorkel, but can’t dive because of the hyperventilating. Same with leisurely swimming… I can go around the pool with no air, until Ithink of it.

  7. AA
    Did it all. All. Soccer sucked because normally the wife was headed one way and I another. The payoff is, the daughters HUGE into Cross fit. I’ll e mail you a pic. The boys have both stayed on the mat and in the gym. The wife and I know, we did the best we could.
    My father in law was the athletic director at my high school. The guy let me get away with murder. The jock thing. I showed up several years later at his house to date his youngest daughter, and his exact words were “Oh Shit”.

  8. Used to do the same as a kid in the Kinderhook creek in upstate NY. We’d see how far we could walk without coming up for air. Made log rafts, and swung from a rope. Dove from a RR bridge, I miss those days.


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