Rush – IOTW Report


I was compelled, today, to do a portrait of Rush, reminiscent of the one I created for Andrew Breitbart the day he passed away.

Breitbart is Here became a battle cry of sorts. I don’t know how, or why, I thought of that. It just seemed right.

I’m at a loss as to what to put on this portrait. Maybe you guys can help.

Let’s thumb up the ones that connect for you and we will put it on this portrait.

Thank you.

This is a very sad day. Let’s stay positive and honor Mr. Limbaugh.

100 Comments on Rush

  1. Very very nice Fur…

    How about the medal of honor bestowed upon him??

    Your portrait, as is in B&W and the medal below all lit in color…

    Oh a caption? What Mark Steyn said…”Talent return to God”

    Ghost (posting from work…)

  2. Thank you, the portraits are perfect!
    The representation of their personalities, are captured perfectly. Oddly, I do not see their faces clearly, as they are overshadowed, how strongly you present their inner souls.
    Never seen anything like that, perhaps Im projecting.
    Thank you, Rush RIP with your brother you on the otherside ..

  3. I second J6 and Steyn. “Talent returned to God.”

    I linked Steyn’s piece on the sticky thread. If you haven’t read it, it’s really good.
    If someones going to take over for Rush I think Steyn would be the guy.

  4. I still remember the first day I heard Rush on local radio in Sacramento. . . He gave me more hope on that one day… enough for me to think that I wasn’t crazy to believe in the simple truths of freedom, justice and rule of law. People forget… there was nothing before Rush. Nothing.

  5. BFH
    Great job it is a fantastic likeness of Rush, gosh I keep getting sadder as the day goes on. Feels like we all lost our best friend. 😿 RIP Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. If you want a saying along the same line as the Breitbart image, I don’t think we want to make it final – as being reminded that his talent is gone now does. Rush inspired us all, as the comments from the RIP post attest. His message will remain with us as Andrew’s has.

    I’m not sure I saw one yet that expresses what I’m thinking.

  7. I used Russia’s byline with Talent on loan from God on top of my airbrush by Charlie sign at fairs and car shows. That was back in the late 80s to early 90s and there were some people that came by and point and noticed and smiled

  8. I just remembered in all of this that my Mother spoke to Rush on his show nearly 25 years ago.
    I was eating lunch in my car in Texas when she came on.
    I was like “oh shit, that’s my Mom!”
    Their conversation: because he was talking about toe fungus and Mom called in to talk about Dad having dealt with it before.
    GOOD GRIEF! Toe fungus! Sigh.

    At least I can assuage some of the sadness in my heart with these type of wonderfully absurd stories and thoughts.

  9. BuffaloBob
    I am hoping you meant wisdom and humor.
    Because if you have the stamina for a three hour hummer, well I salute you.

    Rush, as was Andrew B, was fearless. in his commentary, his teaching us, and his final days.
    He taught us how to think and laugh at the same time.
    I miss him already.

  10. A Stop at Willoughby Twilight Zone episode just played the other night on MeTV.
    Though Rush handled the world better than anyone, and made it so much better, the message of a man going home in peace & serenity seems to fit my current mood.


    Willoughby? Maybe it’s wishful thinking nestled in a hidden part of a man’s mind, or maybe it’s the last stop in the vast design of things—or perhaps, for a man like Mr. Gart Williams, who climbed on a world that went by too fast, it’s a place around the bend where he could jump off.
    Willoughby? Whatever it is, it comes with sunlight and serenity, and is a part of The Twilight Zone.

  11. Do make art BFH! It will make all of us feel better.

    Where is Rush’s Google Doodle? Rush won’t get the RBG treatment for example.

    He’s as beloved to us as any of the Left’s icons. Instead of inspirational imagery honoring him we have to read awful giggling tweets and articles about his passing.

    We lost our Voice.

  12. I’m trying my best not to think in terms of “ the end of a era”, but it’s difficult, to say the least. Rush kept me company on so many road trips and always on at my place of business. Rush had such a great sense of humor and was always spot on exposing irony and hypocrisy. Those montages of various news anchors repeating almost word for word lefty talking points were hilarious. I could go on and on about his spoofs but you all get the idea.
    Thank the Lord Rush Limbaughs on the EIB
    With one half of his brain tied behind his back, just to make it fair.
    So long Rush , you were loved.

  13. Beautiful

    We started listening in 1990.
    My kids were Rush Babies.
    My daughter talked today about Rush being on the radio in the mini van.
    Such a big loss for all of us and our country.

  14. BFH,
    If there is an auction for Rush art, I’ll open the bidding at $150.00, with a matching amount to the charity that Rush so generously supported. I don’t remember which one it was, but I’ll look it up. Better get your palette and easel out.


    Rather than telling us what to think, Rush just said what we were thinking.

    Our favorite truth detector is now speaking truth to THE HIGHEST power. For eternity. (And listening too, of course.)

  16. PS, BFH: Nice work! And how did I not know that iconic Breitbart image and tag line was yours? That anonymity thing isn’t paying well… You gotta talk to Banksy’s or Sabo’s agents…

  17. BFH
    I started listening to Rush literally on day one on KFBK. I listened to his final broadcast on the same station. Don’t want to be a pain in the ass, but I much prefer him clean shaven. But that’s just my two cents.

  18. In the long run, Morton Downy Jr gave Rush his big break. He told a racist Asian joke and got fired by an Asian boss. I use to listen to Downy. One day he was gone, the next Rush was there and I was hooked on day one. Very sad day for conservatives.

  19. Also the early days of Rush were packed full of humor. The Rio Linda thing was hilarious early on. He use to have Rio Linda residents calling in chewing his ass daily. They usually hung up loving the guy.

  20. Regarding the Pretenders. I’m sure some of you know this, but if not Chrissy Hines emailed Rush on one of his anniversary shows and basically said, “Dear Rush, although we do not agree on much politically, we do agree on good music.” That was awesome.

  21. Brad, Chrissie Hynde’s mother or grandmother loved Rush.
    Chrissie eventually came to financial terms with Rush and likely made more money from him on that song than any album the Pretenders ever put out.
    I believe it was a mutual agreement and I don’t blame her for getting paid.
    Hell, her band basically passed away on her.

    I remember the brief period when Rush had a different intro song every day.
    It was weird without that iconic intro.
    Rush had used it for so long, he might have won any legal challenge against him.
    That is how many copyright suits work, you have to be vigilant.
    He was likely happy to pay for it since he was such a good man who shared his wealth, many times anonymously.

  22. Ghost, I mostly remember it being her grandmother.
    Rush talked about it a couple of times and i would have remembered if it was her dad. That said, her whole family could have been Dittoheads!

    I’m glad they came to terms.
    I’m sure Chrissie was a liberal but she was sensible.

  23. “I’m sure Chrissie was a liberal but she was sensible.”

    That’s the important part. And that’s exactly what’s missing today. Libtards wish, demand, to go to war. Be careful what you wish for tinkerbells.


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