“Rush, I love you, but you’re dead wrong about Marco Rubio – he’s a sleazy snake and his electability is a myth.” ~ Keli Carender, Founder of the modern day American Tea Party movement – IOTW Report

“Rush, I love you, but you’re dead wrong about Marco Rubio – he’s a sleazy snake and his electability is a myth.” ~ Keli Carender, Founder of the modern day American Tea Party movement


This is a stinging rebuke of Marco Rubio as a presidential candidate. It details just how bad The Gang of Eight bill was (it was not just amnesty, it was a bloated bill every bit as “transformative” as Obamacare, and would have cost taxpayers trillions of dollars.)

Rush himself said that the bill would have “killed America as we know it,” and a “republicans would probably never win another presidential election,” yet he’s weirdly backing Rubio, a candidate that lied directly to him on his radio show.

As Rubio was telling English speaking audiences that the Gang of Eight bill would be enforcement of the border first, legalization second, he was reassuring Spanish speaking audiences that the complete opposite was true – legalization first, border security second.

After reading this article, which seems to be thoroughly sourced, it is very hard to think of Rubio as trustworthy. Flip-flopping is an understatement.

The phrase that comes to mind after reading about his lies, and his “charm offensive”?

“Rubio is enormously talented.” -Rick Santorum



23 Comments on “Rush, I love you, but you’re dead wrong about Marco Rubio – he’s a sleazy snake and his electability is a myth.” ~ Keli Carender, Founder of the modern day American Tea Party movement

  1. I’m still stupified over the robottic default memorized slogans coming out of his mouth, over and over and over. It was as if an autopilot kicked in and could’t turn off. What ever clothes the emperor though he was wearing turned to ash. Very disappointed to lose him in my “maybe he’d be OK” list.

  2. Look, a young guy, “rising star”, taken under the wings of Republican heavyweights, promised a corner office if he carries their bags for a while. Bags filled with donor money, more’s like. He’s the Republican’s bag man, sent to do a job. Watch. Rubio’s supporters will say he was duped.

  3. Cruz supporters here discount the Conservative Tree House as whacked anti Cruz people. They consistently make predictions that are right on the money. Yeb is still the establishment guy. As far as Rush goes, for the last couple weeks he seems to be way off message.
    On another note, what crawled up John Sununui’s ass?

  4. I’m beginning to believe that Rush Limbaugh has conned us all for the last 25-years. It certainly made him very rich and people have done far worse for less.
    Oh well Rush, it was fun while it lasted, but I’ll never willingly listen to your voice again.

  5. I wouldn’t be too hard on Rushbo — Rubio has fooled a lot of people along the way. If you’re outside FL politics how much do you really know about Rubio prior to 2010? Not a lot, probably. Still, Rush has damaged his brand by quite a bit in his “full-throated” fawning. Not a good thing for him. And in this election that means so much, his listener-ship will probably drop like a rock or his callers will be pushing back hard on everything he says from here on out. Is is too early to say “Move over, Bill O’Reilly?”

    The RNC has just about used up all their chits at this point. Jeb! is sunk. Rubio’s numbers look like crud after Saturday’s debate.
    The RNC’s top dogs won’t hunt. And to top it off, the politicians have finally made politicians look really, really bad, for real this time. This won’t bode well for Cruz.

  6. TO AA
    Don’t count !Jeb! out quite yet.
    With Rubio prematurely sinking, the DNC may have decided *now* is the time for !Jeb! to rise and shine.

    I mean, it’s not like they’re going to rally around Kasich or Christie…and I can’t think of one “surprise-waiting-in-the-wings” candidate on the GOP side.

  7. TO AA
    What changes is *unexpectedly* !Jeb! gets more positive media attention, now that the voting IS ACTUALLY BEGINNING.

    Perhaps the GOPe has decided that it’s time to jettison some more of the “add-on” candidates. That could have meant Kasich, Christie, Gilmore (ha!) FIRST…
    …BUT: with Rubio’s – ahem – “memorable” performance, a STRONG “perhaps” is that they see Rubio more of a drag on !Jeb! than before.

  8. Rush has talked to, played golf with, watched sports with just about every major Republican. He knows they’re ‘good’ people. He can’t come out and start bashing their characters. Their policies, yes, but not their characters.

  9. With Rubio, Rush is committing entertainment suicide. After the thorough exposure of Cruz and Rubio’s lies, history and fumbles, it is inexplicable why Rush continues to carry their banners. The man is puffing on some bad Cohibas.

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