Rush Limbaugh: Black Lives Matter Is A ‘Terrorist Group’ – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh: Black Lives Matter Is A ‘Terrorist Group’

He also says that Democrats are seeking to benefit from police violence.

Back in 2015, Tim Constantine of the Washington Times wrote a piece declaring BLM to be a terrorist group.

On Friday, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh argued Black Lives Matter is “a terrorist group. They’re quickly becoming a terrorist group committing hate crimes.”


34 Comments on Rush Limbaugh: Black Lives Matter Is A ‘Terrorist Group’

  1. Well, here’s the thing… it hurts JohnS more when he is ignored. We’ve seen this before with other weirdos. When we get bored of talking about him, or to him, he goes away, then he gets lonely and comes back to make any and every thread about himself again. Then we make fun of him and the cycle starts all over. He’s so monotonous! SO BORING!!! I’m gonna go back to ignoring him.

  2. UPDATE: And This is a DOOZY—

    JohnS did not make the comment about “Trump being your savior.”
    As much as many people would like to see John banned, I cannot ban him
    for something he didn’t do.
    I have proof that it wasn’t John because the person who made the comment
    has a gravatar associated with their IP. They deleted their email addy and spoofed JohnS’s name.
    NOT COOL!!!!
    In fact, I should ban this person, and they know who they are.
    You cannot spoof other people’s names, especially in an effort to stir up trouble, trouble I do not need.
    I’ve had this site for 8 years with no registration required and I’d like to keep it that way. We are one of the last remaining sites that have such a lax policy. DON’T F*CK IT UP!!!

    I have the solution to this problem.
    JohnS is blocked.

    Because of the non-sequitur Trump reference, it’s completely off topic and then he goes around thumbing everyone down after he gets, understandably, thumbed down.

    I’ve had enough.

    The other day the guy says he’s simply “giving advice” about what Trump can do to win, as if he’s really concerned.
    Today Trump is “your savior.”

    Yes, we are trying to block Hillary.
    He is our savior.
    And now you must go.
    I gave you lots of leeway.
    You’re simply becoming a disruptive troll.

    (For the readers. I’ve found John to be very fair in emails, even saying that he’d leave the site if he was given the word to do so.
    I don’t disinvite anyone from engaging in conversation, presenting their point of view, no matter what it is.
    But JohnS’s minority opinion is going to get thumbs down. If he can’t handle it, and degenerates into a disrupter, then I don’t think he’s able to handle the ambassadorship of contrarian. It’s a tough role. But he’s failed.)

  3. All of this shit is fucked up and who is behind it, the blm, the muslims, the invasion of illegal immigrants? It is not trump or the nra. This is way too organized. Do you all see the stories going on? Meanwhile hillary, dem, gets off and these fucking people are blaming us? Obama and clinton are #1 to blame! Fuck this shit i am so pissed! And fuck you jack shit! I would love to meet you one day.

  4. And if this is the site jack s goes through a box of tissue with, take his joy away. Enough of this shit and pandering to dumbasses! Btw did I mention that I’m mad as hell. They, the dems with Soros money are ramping up to get a lot more people killed.

  5. I’m sad. I don’t think I got a TD from him. Will someone PLEASE give me a TD even if it’s for this post. PLEASE.

    I have to go dye my hair now because it’s green/blond again from the chlorine, and when I come back I hope I have a good surprise.

  6. I don’t understand why the cowardly reprobate that got me banned with a phony post is not being banned, or at least made to publically admit it.
    Personally, I think that being able to down twinkle people anonymously feeds into this kind of thing as it has already created a couple of brownshirt down twinkle brigades here. I suspect the scumbag responsible was just trying to make a name for itself in the group.
    To those of you who used this as an excuse to insult me, don’t worry about it. All of you, except for one, are the same ones that fall for a fake news story whenever one is posted here. I don’t expect a Zebra to change it’s stripes.

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