Rush Limbaugh issues plea for Americans to re-elect Trump: ‘This is not the old ‘Republicans versus Democrats … It’s serious, and it’s scary’ – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh issues plea for Americans to re-elect Trump: ‘This is not the old ‘Republicans versus Democrats … It’s serious, and it’s scary’

Blaze: Rush Limbaugh on Monday issued a passionate plea to Americans to re-elect President Donald Trump on Nov. 3.

The longtime conservative commentator announced last week that his Stage 4 lung cancer is terminal.

In a video filmed in the 69-year-old’s home library, Limbaugh reaffirmed his support for Trump just moments before Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation.

“Hey, folks, sitting here in the library getting ready to watch the confirmation vote — Amy Coney Barrett, Supreme Court — and it just reminds me: Folks, we don’t have a choice in this election,” Limbaugh began. “It’s got to be Donald Trump.”

Limbaugh pointed out that the 2020 presidential election is especially important because the Democratic Party simply isn’t what it used to be.

“We’re not going to have the kind of country everybody thinks we’re going to have,” he predicted. “This is not the old ‘Republicans versus Democrats,’ where we all have the same objectives, just different philosophies on how to get there. They do not have those objectives any more. Their purpose is to erase the Constitution, start over rewriting it, eliminating the concept of ‘The citizen has rights which prevail over government.'”


16 Comments on Rush Limbaugh issues plea for Americans to re-elect Trump: ‘This is not the old ‘Republicans versus Democrats … It’s serious, and it’s scary’

  1. A lot of things scare me, but the prospect of the media/bureaucracy ilk selecting our presidents is the scariest. I hope the media is not rewarded for their behavior over the past 4 or 5 years.

  2. I can’t believe there are still people, especially people with intellectual power the size of Limbaugh’s, that still believe there can be a peaceful solution to the total divide we are in.

  3. I still believe Trump will win but what about the House and Senate? WHERE will America be in 2024 and BEYOND? Why does it feel like to me that Trump is the ONLY one of a kind ballsy patriot left and after he’s gone? Who are we left with who will take up the mantle to continue the fight against the Swamp?

  4. The current Demonrat plan is built on knowing Pedo will lose big on Election Day, but no matter he will win with voter fraud discovering just enough harvested votes to put Pedo in after the legions of lawyers strike.

    After all he’s 9 million points ahead in the polls right? So the PDJT victory on Election Day is meaningless and illegitimate to them no matter what. The fraud and national riots begin on Nov 4 with a promise that the country will be restored once the “true” winner wins with the updated votes already harvested and waiting to be counted.

    I’m telling you patriots be ready, even with a landslide victory the cabal will start a war with China and the nation will burn. Be ready. The deep state are fighting for their lives now.

    I pray I am wrong but I’m not, the war between heaven and earth is beginning on Nov 4.

  5. Wow I listen to Rush’s program almost everyday for long periods but I must have missed his announcement that the cancer was terminal. You would never know it from his strong voice, humor, and enthusiasm.

  6. Prayers for Mr Limbaugh and family! A great Patriot and political light guiding many to a better understanding of constitutional government it’s history and daily issues.

  7. Brad – We need to make sure that party’s death is the Dummycrats! To use blogger Nitzakhon’s words – “I do not coexist with cancer; I do not find common ground with gangrene. The Left must be fought and destroyed, or America DIES”.

  8. I walked away from the ‘DemoKKKratic’ Marxist Party after B. Clinton’s first term and never looked back! I’d NEVER vote for a DemoKKKrat Ever.. They’re all Traitor’s to the Republic!

  9. The Dementiacrat-Socialists-Homosexualists-Open Borders-Free Stuffers Party doesn’t resemble the Democrat Party that elected John F. Kennedy President in 1960. It’s Lee Harvey Oswald’s political party now. LBJ destroyed America when he turned the Democrat Party into the Welfare Party. It’s bound to devour all of the moderates and liberals during the next four years as it lurches further towards Socialism.

  10. I believe Rush is holding out from dying to see if Trump gets reelected. Either way it’s not going to matter to Rush, the outcome other than going to your grave knowing your man got elected. It’s worth living for. I have a sign in my home that says “Find something you would die for and live for it.” I think that’s Rush in one sentence.

  11. I pray that Rush accepted the gift of salvation from Jesus; what happens here needn’t worry him. We’ll take care of business as necessary. We prayed this day wouldn’t arrive, but such is life. Brad’s right, now’s the time to be “officially worried.”

  12. I like what Rush said, except for the word “scary”. That is a liberal word. It shouldn’t be used by conservatives. It’s liberals that are scared of every damn thing under the sun.

    But since Halloween is coming up on Saturday, I can forgive Rush — just this one time though.

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