Rush Portrait – IOTW Report

Rush Portrait

This was the overwhelming caption sentiment-

I also included one that spoke to me, suggested by illustr8r

I may do others…

52 Comments on Rush Portrait

  1. Excellent. That great man will be sorely missed. they are playing him on the radio and I am loving it!! The heartfelt announcement from his wife yesterday was wonderful and the cartoons I have seen honoring him are fantastic!

  2. Brad,
    I chose this look because it was largely the way we saw him last. It’s the look he had when receiving his medal.

    I like the gravitas of the unsmiling face. It inspires war footing, and that’s who these patriots were (Breitbart and Limbaugh), our generals.

  3. “It inspires war footing, and that’s who these patriots were (Breitbart and Limbaugh), our generals.”

    Hear hear…

    That makes us the NCO’s…

    Of which @BFH has a VERY high rank!

    LOTS of stripes there on that arm ya have…

    Keep up the OUTSTANDING work!

  4. Heard a caller call in to the local radio station I listen to in the mornings, and he made a great point.

    Just think about all the people he used to talk about, family that have passed on, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, The Apostles, the list goes on. I bet they are all having one heck of a celebration up there right now, he’s in the Lord’s hands.

    Rush you will live in our hearts forever. 🕊️❤️🙏

    BFH great job 😉

  5. I have heard SEVERAL people say that for someone that they never met EVER before, they were deeply DEEPLY touched and saddened by Rush’s passing:

    “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. And when he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

    Thanks Rush I learned a HELL of a lot from a person I ‘never met’…but KNEW.

  6. BFH

    After a good nights sleep I’ve changed my mind. It’s the perfect image because it captures the seriousness of the shit sandwich Conservatives have been served. In consideration of that, it’s my opinion VOX NOSTRA belongs on that image. Well done.

  7. Beautifully done, Fur. If I may … if you provide prints for our purchase, could you do one with both Andrew and Rush together?

    I love the Vox Nostra. He left his work for us to continue. We are his legacy.

  8. @stirrin the pot – sorry bout that…

    That first song is just but one song that Rush used for his ‘bumper music’ in between segments.

    He would only use SMALL portions of the songs.

    You can find them all over on that right side there is a list that he used…


  9. @bfh and @rogerF –

    I just thought that we need to honor Rush with our OWN wake…

    Like as soon as @rogerF can set it up!?!?

    Is this possible?????

    While it is still fresh and raw in the mind and heart??

  10. I still like “Talent Returned to God”. Especially the way Mark Steyn wrote his tribute. It was really well said. In fact it was so well said I like Mark Steyn more than I did before. My wife really likes the pic, so if there is an auction my $150.00 pre-bid should not take away the prize.

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