Russell Brand “Goes There” on Unexpected Deaths – IOTW Report

Russell Brand “Goes There” on Unexpected Deaths

16 Comments on Russell Brand “Goes There” on Unexpected Deaths

  1. I agree with him, but just as in Canada, there are many more deaths from Fentanyl overdoses and mis-diagnosis from doctors.
    Our mother lived to 85 years, I hope to do the same, but anything can happen.

  2. Read an article a few minutes ago that Celine Dion has lost control of her muscles. She got the jab BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO WORK. As if she didn’t have enough money, they go and kill themselves and blame others. No one can fix it.

  3. Mr. and Mrs. Prue Blood here.

    Beginning to understand my grandmother’s lament that “No one is left.” She outlived all her contemporaries and relatives of her generation. 99, her mother 96, my father 92, I’m F’ed. Already past competitive abilities.

    Two of my friends left and my twins/spouses and grand daughter.
    Note the comments…

    Solent Green is People!
    Who are the winners?

  4. I’ve long thought that covid was the excuse for the vaccine which is the real killer. If I had a nickel for every time I suggested that it had been rushed, and wondered how could they be sure it was safe and effective – where was the long term data? Of course, there was no long term data simply because it hadn’t been a long term. I got nothing but grief for challenging the status quo – well ok, I did get some folks praying for me that I would not die or end up on a ventilator. Well, back at you – I hope you make it – I don’t wish a premature death on them either.

    But Russell Brand made a point I had not considered yet – that the real target was young people who would be healthy enough to stand up to the oppression that is surely coming. Nice work by the evil cabal. Way too many gullible people – have they figured it out yet? I doubt it – it’s so hard to admit that you fell for this killer jab.

  5. Well DUH……
    The IQ of the American people has been steadily dropping ever since Fluorine was added to the water. Dentists can say it prevents tooth decay, but there is exactly zero evidence of better teeth. Fluorine is a neural toxin the dissolves the synapsis of the nerves which dumbs you down so far that they even vote Demoncrat. So the Moron-in-Chief says “Hey you dumb Americans, get the jab or lose your job” Destroy your health, livelihood and your descendants. So now that the shit hits the fan birth defects, disease and dead humans are the result. And everyone sits back and says I did my patriotic duty and got the shot.

  6. 1. We still don’t know – and they still won’t disclose – and aren’t required by law to disclose – what’s in the “vaccine.” Knowing that, why would ANYONE agree to take it?

    2. The vaccine manufacturers are not liable for injuries from their vaccines. Knowing that, why would ANYONE agree to take it?

    3. The vaccines were never tested by ANY scientifically normal or valid standards. Knowing that, why would ANYONE agree to take it?

    4. The COVID vaccines have killed more people than ALL of the vaccines used throughout history COMBINED. Knowing that, why would ANYONE agree to take it?

    5. From all available reports, the COVID-19 virus and its mRNA vaccines were developed TOGETHER many years prior to their introduction. Suspecting that (but being unable to prove it), why would ANYONE agree to take it?

    6. As many virologists and geneticists have pointed out, mRNA biochemistry forced on normal body cells are simply the worst way to induce immunity to a virus. Knowing that, why would ANYONE agree to take it?

    (I’m sure I’m forgetting additional points…)

  7. Had a checkup at the VA this AM…all is well with my blood work and they were not pushing vaccines. No questions when I said, again, I didn’t want any shots.

  8. Let’s see now. The government cared about us Americans so much that:

    We were are REQUIRED to take the jab, or we could (or shall) lose our livelihoods, be deprived of travel, health and certain other rights and freedoms, including demonization by Biden, stating “We now have a pandemic of the un-vaxxed”, which instilled fear and ostracized the un-jabbed from the jabbed as pariahs.

    AND, this came to full throttle after the continued success from opening the borders with millions pouring in with no one required to take the jab, and who were exempt from any pandemic requirements that were imposed upon the American people.

  9. Stop the World – But Russell Brand made a point I had not considered yet – that the real target was young people who would be healthy enough to stand up to the oppression that is surely coming.

    It has long been known that the way to change a culture is through the young people and the Left has been in the business of fucking up the next generation, from “the New Math, to Common Core to the alteration or elimination of History to “gender affirming care” for decades and it’s all coming to fruition!

  10. Russell brings up many good points, none of which can be proven in a court of law today, but they are all puzzle pieces that fit!
    Get enough puzzle pieces together and you got a picture… and we all know what they say about a picture: “it’s worth a thousand words”!

  11. New study recently released. Covid-19 produces zombie cell or senescent cells. In older adults this leads to brain fog & memory loss. Oherwise known as a form of dementia.
    I think I found the motherlode of cases. Things not quite as clear as they used to be? Memory lapses?
    Covid-19 is a leading cause of death in the US. Covid-19 causes blood clots. A slew of other related illnesses, heart problems, breathing/respiratory problems & now brain function problems. This study was done with people who were NOT vaccinated.


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