Russia demands proof of ‘nonsense’ election meddling claims – IOTW Report

Russia demands proof of ‘nonsense’ election meddling claims

Wash Exam-

Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. on Wednesday said the Trump administration needs to provide proof that Russian officials meddled in the 2016 election, or stop talking about it.

“As for interference, to paraphrase a Chinese proverb, one cannot make a tiger of one hundred mice,” Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said, according to Russia’s state-owned news service Tass. “No matter how many accusations, the key demand is to furnish evidence.”


I’d like to see a press conference by our intelligence that lays out simply and emphatically what their evidence is and what they believe the impact was. Otherwise, I don’t want to hear about it any more.



20 Comments on Russia demands proof of ‘nonsense’ election meddling claims

  1. It about time. I’m not a fan of Russia, but I’m looking forward to them making some noise on this. It’s time to call a spade, a spade. As I’ve heard obama say.

  2. Again..this is all about claiming Russian interference in every election from now on whenever dems/socialist/commies lose. It’s NOT going away because it’s a fraud to begin with.

  3. Evidence? We don’t need no stinking evidence!

    RINO’s have long played into the hands of leftists by caving whenever accusations have been made, whether they were proven or not. As Democrat Tom Foley said (about Republicans), “It is not the nature of the evidence but the seriousness of the charge.” And Democrats were forever making serious charges against Republicans. In the House. the Republicans had rules in place that anyone under investigation could not hold a leadership position.

    Clarence Thomas, when nominated to the Supreme Court, was one of — if not the first — person to fight back and say, “Bring it on.” The left has never forgiven him for it. Trump takes a similar stance. Leftists think they should just be able to say it is so and it should be so.

    Fortunately we now have enough people in the House and the Senate that no one is going to go to the White House and tell the President that his goose is cooked as they did with Nixon.

  4. If I were Putin, I’d have one of my “lads” volunteer to be a defendant (like Mueller knows what the perp really looks like?) and alert the WH that the “defendant” will waive extradition and voluntarily surrender at Dulles Airport, whereupon a vigorous defense is mounted and Mueller is forced to put up or shut up.
    The last time Mueller tried this, he used corporations who called his bluff because you can’t imprison a corporation, so there was no risk in appearing and demanding discovery.
    If I were Putin, I’d call Mueller’s bluff again. It’s not like the stooge would be executed–and Putin can always arrest a spy and do a swap for the sacrificial lamb.

  5. Anonymous JULY 18, 2018 AT 4:37 PM

    My understanding was that the previous indictment was against parties that did not or were not in existence at the time/date of the supposed criminal accusations. Hard to prove that one…

    We certainly have some of the bravest and brightest protecting us in the DOJ & FBI. And patriotic also…

  6. WTH…“The CrowdStrike analyst who ran the forensics on the DNC servers worked for Mueller at the FBI and was personally promoted by Robert Mueller,” reports Paul Sperry.

    Hillary’s campaign counsel, Marc Elias [Perkins Coie] hired CrowdStrike to write the public report blaming Russia for hacking the DNC in June of 2016 which of course is the same month Marc Elias hired Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to write the dossier pinning the hacking on not just Russia but also Trump campaign – Paul Sperry.

    BREAKING: DNC/Clinton lawyers were old friends with former FBI Director Bob Mueller’s computer forensics analyst. That’s why they hired him and his firm CrowdStrike to run forensics on alleged Russian hacking of DNC system. Voila! The analyst quickly concluded it was the Russians – Paul Sperry.

  7. Russians aren’t trying to drum me out of society for being an evangelical Christian. Russians aren’t trying to take away my 2nd amendment rights. Russians aren’t running up our national debt so that my kids and grandkids are screwed. Russians aren’t flooding this country with illegals.

    Tell me again why I should care about Russian collusion.

  8. Are we fighting the Cold War in the court system now?

    That’s a relief.

    When I was a young soldier in the First Cav, we thought it was going to be fought in Germany. That’s what we trained for.

    Courts are better. More Twitter, more Instagram, more idiots with a wide audience. Less villagers in the Fulda Gap dead.

    Y’all have at it, you have my blessing.

  9. Makes me wonder if this whole “cold war” stuff was instigated by OUR SIDE the whole time?
    By “OUR SIDE” I mean the SWAMP.
    Remember how easily Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John Paul caused the Soviet Union to collapse without firing a shot? It’s like the S-U was always just a paper tiger and our SWAMP was making them out to be this powerful foe (and maybe even financially supporting them). It always seemed fishy to me how easily they copied our technology.

  10. KEVIN

    Take ut your wallet andPAY ATTENTION. Mueller and his team are NOT DEMS. Each and every one of ’em was promoted by a progressive GOP President! Comey said last month he no longer is GOP; but yesterday the Dems said we do not want you; you are not one of us!
    The folk attacking Don are leftist Republicans NOT DEMS! They may, like GWB, be far left, but they still are GOP!

  11. Putin should send one of the indicted agents over, as long as he could be free on bond.

    That would force some explanations out in the open, which seems very appropriate.

    It would definitely be entertaining.


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