Russia Did It! – IOTW Report

Russia Did It!

I’m enjoying these memes.


h/t Dave.

12 Comments on Russia Did It!

  1. If you look closely, the so-called scribbling on the wall is the map of NYC and designates Hillary’s campaign Headquarters. This outlines the plan for the elaborate computer hack operation by this Russian Agent.
    Don’t be taken in by his smallish size of this operative, he’s a computer wizard trained in Russia’s finest KGB facilities and represents the essence of a human destructive device.

  2. How in the hell do these people sleep?
    Reset with Russia, that’s OK
    They mock Romney about his Russia concerns,
    But now, its Lawdy, Lawdy the world’s done ended! Theys Russians in my woodpile!
    But what they are really up to (IMO) they’re trying to give Barky half a reason to ‘set aside’ the election results.
    If that happens Lawdy, Lawdy, the white folks has done gone crazy!
    They sho’ don’t riot like nobody else!

  3. poor kid in picture had nothing to read-that’s why you should have magazine’s (playboy for Mr. Brad-good articles )or comics for the kids. G.I.Joe for Viet vet.
    Good Housekeeping for Claudia 🙂 have a nice day.

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