WashingtonTimes:Over a year ago, President Obama stated on national television that he would “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISIL), saying, “I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq.”
I find it strange that in light of that public statement, the administration is just now getting serious about destroying the Islamic State’s principal source of revenue to finance their caliphate and murderous activities. This is, after all, the terrorist organization that just blew a Russian airliner out of the sky and has banked hundreds of millions of dollars in blackmarket oil money to fund their activities. They are not the JV team Obama described. more here
I’m afraid “embarrassed O’Baja” is an oxymoron.
Obastard does not care.
Obama does not want to defend America.
I doubt obama’s embarrassed, he remains self assured in his complete incompetence.
Who else in the US could be that incompetent and still remained employed?
It’s about time he got Syrious…
In Namby Opamby’s defense, he did do something about Syria. He pulled out a red crayon and threatened to draw a line.
That photo of Hussein treating that Marine Corporal like a house slave grinds my gears & locks my jaw. Notice – a Marine White House guard NOT under arms. He’ll trust the Marines with an umbrella but not a sidearm? I wouldn’t piss on the son-of-bitch if he was on fire.
Poor Barry, his legacy was to be the ending the wars. His hand now forced to act, poor poor Barry. His wish that isis was a “JV team” is somewhere with his “Hope and Change” message of 2008. He has been proven to be wrong in every aspect of his presidency, all of it now a crap stain in the drawers of the world.
Opportunities have come and gone to put a quick end to the isis threat. Now well behind in this race any more inaction may spell defeat. All of you on the left that had cried racism and scream tolerance are playing a major part in the end of life.
The time is NOW! Not tomorrow, or next week but RIGHT NOW to act in a decisive manner …
I really don’t care where the Øbamboozler was supposedly born, seven years of evidence proves he’s not an American!
Life is hard. It’s even harder when you have a spineless, bottled-water-drinking, arugula-eating, self-absorbed, Politically Correct, wussyfied, Metro-sexual, Gay obsessed, Jihad-coddling Manchurian Doorknob in the White House!
The Coulter Axiom comes to mind: “If Barak Hussein Obama WAS trying to destroy the country; what would he do differently?
I opine he is a traitorous bastard, worthy of in the least case impeachment, and I would pay dearly to watch his hanging on Pay per View
He was allowing them time to chase millions of “refugees” into Europe. Theres too many crackas there.
You are correct… The simple fact that He does something, automatically makes that the best, wisest, and most perfect option. Thus He cannot be embarrassed because He is never ever wrong, ever. It is the world which is wrong for not following his plans.
The I.R.S. will be contacting you soon, citizen.
barry won’t do diddly squat, those are his homies you know. Both foreign and domestic, they’re all the same to him.
That’s an appropriate picture with Turkey’s national flag, and the jive turkey of America afraid of water.
I’m with Ann Coulter.
I don’t give BO complete credit, or blame for successfully accomplishing his treasonous acts. The Legislative & Judicial branches of government have the responsibility to stop him. And they did not. After them it’s the people’s responsibility & we failed too.
Obama’s not embarrassed. He’s jealous. Putin is making moves that advance communist agendas without having to pretend he’s the leader of the free world like Barry, Putin is straight up gangster and proud of it. Any attempt by Obama to attack ISIS will be feeble and ineffective. Obama’s main focus is to continues destroying The United States from within.
He’s goin to “take action against ISIL” the same way he “takes action” at Man’s World — strip and get down on all fours.