Russia Has Taken Control of Chernobyl – IOTW Report

Russia Has Taken Control of Chernobyl


An adviser to Ukrainian president says that Ukraine has lost control over the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear plant after a fierce battle.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said the condition of the plant’s facilities, a confinement shelter and storage of nuclear waste is unknown. More

43 Comments on Russia Has Taken Control of Chernobyl

  1. I’ve read concerns on various forums that Ukrainian crazies could bomb it to try spreading a radioactive cloud across Europe, thinking it would force NATO to join the fight – but with no discussion of how meteorologically savvy they’d have to be to pick a day with the right vertical wind distribution. (For example, today would not be a good day.)

  2. Frankly, I’ve had it with these news reports assuming everyone’s gender. Figure out who is shooting at who, who is threatening or responding to who, and who is trying to escape to wherever and use their preferred pronouns.

    We have a transgender admiral who is probably very pissed about this. Please and thank you.

  3. Kcir, oh your so smart why didn’t I think, oh golly gee Beaver, Putin is such a honest guy. Putin, as dirty as they come, don’t follow ideas you falsely claim, but we know you guys here are Putin lovers.

  4. Moscow, (Russian not Idaho,) is about 317 miles from the nearest point of Ukraine. The west drove Russia to assimilate Ukraine and become besties with Chinga by giving weapons to Ukraine and talking about making a country, (which has access to the North Atlantic by paddling through Black Sea THEN the Mediterranean,) into a NATO partner. Let’s go Brandon.

    P.S. The idea that some Ukrainian Jethro Bodine with a sixth grade education was maintaining Chernobyl was NOT comforting.

  5. This was inevitable. Half the country wanted to be part of Russia ever since the fall of the Soviet Union.
    With the known global corruption in that country and its proximity to Moscow there was little doubt that Russia was going to do this at their first opportunity. They wanted a geographic barrier and access to the Mediterranean. Crimea proved it.
    There are thousands of square miles of contaminated farmland surrounding Chernobyl. It has not been cultivated since the disaster. Now expect to see that farmland re-cultivated. Don’t by any food from Europe any more.

  6. Hey – Maybe Putin will go to Kiev and collect/present the evidence showing all the biden/clinton/obummer corruption that went on over there.
    Wouldn’t that be hillaryious!
    (misspelled on purpose).

  7. Yup, Anon has it right. We are all Putin lovers. That is why we condemn him every time a post about him comes up. Shows how much it actually reads and attempts to think.
    And LBS – congrats. Am thinking anyone it personally attacks should get an award.

  8. Anonymous, I’m so sorry all of this is happening to you. Please try not to melt down.

    Hey, that reminds me…remember when “Donny” got not just one, but TWO “Meltdown” covers on TIME magazine, and then beat the shoes off of Hillary? Well, one shoe, anyway. But that was enough!

  9. The thing about Chernobyl, it was democrat style management & pure incompetence that led to it’s melt down.
    Then, just like democrats there was a lot of finger pointing and nobody accepted blame.
    When dems get in charge they leave gaping holes in humanity in their wake.
    3 more years of biden*?

  10. Pretty sure that plant being secured was on the local Russian commanders list. And I’m not convinced the plant was completely shut down. There are four reactors (all the same design) and not that long ago I know for a fact at least one was still in the business of creating isotopes for medical therapeutics and portable x-ray sources like are used to x-ray pipe line welds in the field.

    The Russians aren’t stupid at a military level about nuke plants in the operational level. If care taking staff was on site they still are. They’ll be fed and protected. Last thing Putin wants out of this adventure is any type of cross border nuclear incident because of incompetence. They already did that. It didn’t help anything.

  11. maybe I should write a computer program:
    – Post anonymously to random IOTW thread
    – Pick a random post and post an ad hominem attack against the poster
    – and/or post randomly blaming Donnie for something that he never did.

    What do you think? We could start a crowdfunding and give all proceeds to BFH and IOTW.

  12. ” Chernobyl could be strategic property for Russia…”

    It’s a liability. There is no other way to realistically frame that. It’s also a liability that Putin knows that if the plant deteriorates the entire Western Advanced coalition will assist him in mitigating at their costs regardless of who is occupying whom and any state of hostilities.

    That beast ain’t dead, it’s just slumbering at present.

    My avatar on another site is the “Nuke” yellow and black trefoil. There’s a reason for that.

  13. There’s no spent uranium at Chernobyl. The entire reactor core was filled in with concrete years ago. As usual, anonymous is spewing gibberish just to get some people agitated. The former city of Chernobyl is on the direct road to Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital.

  14. “Chernobyl “hot” water for your kool-aid mix”

    Mmmmm – delicious. And, it glows. But add some Russian Vodka and drink it in the dark while eating Borscht! Da?

    Очень хорошо!

  15. “There’s no spent uranium at Chernobyl. The entire reactor core was filled in with concrete years ago.”

    Not sure where you gleaned that information but every bit of it is not true.

  16. Russia wants Chernobyl for the tourist attraction. Seriously, there are groups that have tours and I’m thinking that the government is raking in the ‘business’.

    Putin’s no dummy, ya know!

  17. Anonymous @ 5:08PM

    Go drain the Cum from your bleached asshole you fucking coward.

    You can easily shit on anyone here that you wish. Use a Name. You do not need an E-mail. But you like to blend in and hide.
    I am no fan of Putin, but securing nuclear waste is actually a responsible thing to do, Unlike you Hero Hillary who allowed the sale Uranium Rights to Russia.

    PS. Don’t jump into the bathtub with your wall powered vibrator like you father did.

  18. @Loco
    That’s the way it was spelled on my 20 year old National Geographic map.
    That’s the way it was spelled on every document I have read about that city for my entire life.
    At least I didn’t call it “The Ukraine”…

  19. Don’t be too quick to buy into rumor’s regarding Chernobyl and radiation.
    Radium used in nuclear power is only 3% pure. It does not chain react into a bomb and it doesn’t get more powerful over time. It is contained under tens of thousands of tons of concrete. The area is no place to build a day care and children’s hospital but it’s also not going to spread radiation out of the area either. That nonsense coming from anti nuclear hippie libs and gullible media types. Russia didn’t bomb the former power plant. The ghost town of Chernobyl is near the border and on the main highway into the capitol city. That is why Russia was fighting the Ukraine resistance fighters at that location. This entire battle will be over in a week or two. No one is coming to their rescue. Not NATO and not the USA. Putin knows it. Steven Colbert is making fun of the war already on his late night show. It’s all political theater now with leftists.

  20. Russia doesn’t need 20+ year old spent fuel from Chernobyl to make dirty bombs. They have plenty of spent fuel in Russia already. The storage facility in Chernobyl probably had a half dozen engineers on site. Their job is to monitor the spent fuel pool. Boring job. The Soviet military is systematically taking over every government facility in its path. Putin’s strategists had lots of time to plan this out. The Ukrainians should just surrender and be grateful that Russian troops aren’t Islamo Psychos.


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