Russia Offers to Stop the War “in a moment” – IOTW Report

Russia Offers to Stop the War “in a moment”


Russia has told Ukraine it is ready to halt military operations “in a moment” if Kyiv meets a list of conditions, the Kremlin spokesman said on Monday.

Dmitry Peskov said Moscow was demanding that Ukraine cease military action, change its constitution to enshrine neutrality, acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory, and recognise the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent states. More

9 Comments on Russia Offers to Stop the War “in a moment”

  1. Putin said a week ago that Russia did not intend to occupy Ukraine, yet every armchair journoral has been insisting that the Russian army was shockingly slow, bogged down, taking massive casualties and failing miserably in its objectives. When that narrative no longer was operative, they told us that Russia’s army of occupation would be facing a fierce insurgency, the likes of which has never been seen on the face of the earth. This insurgency, combined with the muscular international sanctions, would turn the Russian people against Putin and bring regime change to Russia.

    Now, it’s looking like none of that pipe dream will happen. Instead, here we are with Putin having achieved his military and geographic objectives, ready to force NATO and Ukraine to accept the neutrality Russia demands. And all of the pissant sanctions and symbolic displays of solidarity with Ukraine will soon evaporate into the Spring air. And Germany will renege on its vow to increase its military spending before Summer.

    Suck it, NATO and Atlantic Council. You are the textbook definition of Paper Tiger. Your arrogance is infuriating, and your uselessness is embarrassing. You should have stayed in your lane.

  2. From the article:

    “It began soon after Putin recognised two breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian government forces since 2014, as independent – an action denounced as illegal by the West.

    “This is not us seizing Lugansk and Donetsk from Ukraine. Donetsk and Lugansk don’t want to be part of Ukraine. But it doesn’t mean they should be destroyed as a result,” Peskov said.

    “We couldn’t just recognise them. What were we going to do with the 100,000 army that was standing at the border of Donetsk and Lugansk that could attack at any moment. They were being brought U.S. and British weapons all the time,”

    What would we do as a country with proper leadership (not the current feckless admin that want us destroyed to give us to China) if the major nations (Russia and China) started giving military equipment and weapons to Mexico near our border? Don’t you think we would put an end to that?

    I’m not saying that Russia is innocent, but you know that Ukraine is not innocent, either. If Ukraine doesn’t come to the table with Russia, that will prove that they are not being led by a good leader. With the US and British (and who knows who else) hold over Ukraine, I don’t think they have a chance.

    It’s all about money, power, money and control. Yes, money twice because Ukraine is mostly about money laundering.

  3. Russia’s police action has forced all of the poisonous snakes out of their holes. Some are Nazi, some are mafia, some are communist and all are corrupt and fasist. The dirty, greasy side of the political world is exposed for those that choose to see it and it is horrible. I pray that this cleansing is deep and complete and frees us from this satanic mess.

  4. @Joe Btfsplk March 8, 2022 at 12:04 pm

    > I pray that this cleansing is deep and complete and frees us from this satanic mess.

    How can we be freed? By another? From the evil we worship?

    We can not wash our hands, that we refuse to bloody.

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