Russia Sanctions Joe Biden and 12 Associates – IOTW Report

Russia Sanctions Joe Biden and 12 Associates

American Military News

On Tuesday, Russia announced personal sanctions against U.S. President Joe Biden, and 12 other Americans, including his son Hunter Biden

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the new Russian sanctions are in retaliation to the sanctions the U.S. imposed against Russia for its military invasion of Ukraine. More

15 Comments on Russia Sanctions Joe Biden and 12 Associates

  1. This is getting serious now. Seriously ridiculous. If this keeps up, those 30,000 missing emails about President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s yoga lessons and all those wedding plans for Chelsea Hubbard are going to be disgorged. Perhaps, we will learn what hidden deeds Humper did for that $3,500,000 payment from the wife of Moscow’s Mayor. Prepare to be entertained. Putin’s getting irritated. Bigly.

  2. This war is nothing more than a coordinated effort to coverup and distract our attention from what is really taking place behind the scenes. When Biden, congress, the MSM and all the liberals and RINOs are behind Ukraine you know something is amiss.

  3. …I heard a sound bite this morning of one of them, probably Psaki, saying something like “none of us have money in any banks over there, so this won’t hurt us”.

    …true, but two things.

    First, of COURSE you’ll see to it that YOU are not financially hurt, what with all the insider info you have about sanctions and such. But fuck all those little people that ARE hurt by YOUR sanctions, huh?

    …also, while you may not have any money in RUSSIAN banks, I bet you have some in UKRAINIAN banks. That place has been a seething hive of Democrat corruption ever since the CIA sleezed it into existence. You steal from it, steal money meant to go TO it, and you all have kids in no-show “jobs” over there pulling $80k a month.

    And I think that’s part and parcel of your concern for the Ukraine.

    You don’t want the Russians to show the world who’s milk machine the teats of your Ukrainian cash cow are plugged into…

  4. @Say what? March 16, 2022 at 12:32 pm

    > When Biden, congress, the MSM and all the liberals and RINOs are behind Ukraine you know something is amiss.

    Funny? I’d say it means everything’s going to plan.

  5. I’d like to sanction them also and Pelosi and Schumer and on and on. NO PAY AND CERTAINLY NO INCREASE!

    The bastards voted a 22% pay raise for themselves and only 5.9% for our military!!! Shame on the entire clowngress!


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