Russia Takes Control of Key Railway Hub in Lyman, Solidifying Gains in Eastern Ukraine – IOTW Report

Russia Takes Control of Key Railway Hub in Lyman, Solidifying Gains in Eastern Ukraine

If you were to read the play-by-play of information in the U.K. Telegraph [SEE HERE], you could get whiplash from the diametrically opposed narratives coming from both sides in the propaganda war.

On one hand the western narrative is that Russia is losing, getting weaker, running out of money and weapons.  On the other hand, France and Germany are asking Russian President Vladimir Putin to release all of the captured soldiers he is gathering, while western media claim all the Ukraine retreats are “strategic”.  It would appear the Monty Python knight has lost all his appendages and is yelling, “come back coward, I’ll bite your kneecaps.” more

5 Comments on Russia Takes Control of Key Railway Hub in Lyman, Solidifying Gains in Eastern Ukraine

  1. There are some “center-right” sites which usually pepper their offerings with “Bad News for the Bear” and “NATO on the MRch” stories. Suddenly, they don’t seem to have much to say about any of that. Must be the monkeypox.

  2. Russia tried opening this up with fast and fancy maneuvers, and it didn’t work too well. They now appear to be going back to the tried-and-true 3 yards in a cloud of dust tempo. It’s worked for them in the past, the only question is do they have the man power to continue that meat grinder approach for however long it takes.
    I’d laugh if the Ukrainian politicians got the boot and some fresh faces more interested in cleaning things up took over.

  3. .. I only hope the Russians are pissed enough to release all the documents about all the corruption funneled through all the American politicians’ kids when Zelinskyy takes his billions and flees…

  4. “I hit his fist with my face! I showed him!”

    “Strategic withdrawal.” What “strategy” is that, I wonder?
    That sounds more serious than a “tactical withdrawal,” doesn’t it?

    “A sound and a fury, signifying nothing.”

    Outside of Biden’s and the Deep State’s graft and corruption, what is our national interest?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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