Russian airstrikes hit Turkish convoy delivering weapons to ISIS in Syria – IOTW Report

Russian airstrikes hit Turkish convoy delivering weapons to ISIS in Syria

CFP: The incident involving the shooting down of a Russian warplane by the Turkish military may have had to do with Turkey’s cooperation with the radical Islamic fighters in Syria and Russia’s decision to help the Arab dictator Bashar al-Assad fight both the Islamists and the secular rebel fighters attempting to over-throw Assad.

Isis fighters, pictured on a militant website verified by AP.

In the aftermath of the Turkish military shooting down a Russian air force plane, the killing of its pilot, and the attack on a Russian rescue helicopter, the violence between those two nations is becoming more intensified, according to an American expert on radical Islam, Walter Anasara, a former police counterterrorism unit leader. more here

28 Comments on Russian airstrikes hit Turkish convoy delivering weapons to ISIS in Syria

  1. Why is it that Bashar Assad was the “Protector of Christians and Jews” and a Middle East “moderate” and infinitely more pro-West than his dad, Hafez Assad, until the rise of ISIS and the Caliphate?

    We’re re-writing history from only 15 years ago?


  2. If you’re hungry, here’s my newly invented sammich.

    The CURRENT EVENTS Sammich:

    Spread two slices of your favorite bread with RUSSIAN dressing. Pile on sliced TURKEY that’s left over from your Thanksgiving feast.

    From the cook who brought you the “Construction Worker” Sandwich.

  3. Turkey is a cold-war relic ally. They need to be tossed out of NATO, yesterday.

    Hopefully, if Putin has read his history, he will decide to take the Dardanelles and Hellespont away from the “Mussleman” and restore Constantinople to its preeminent place in Orthodoxy. Imagine hearing church services once again in Hagia Sophia.

    C’mon Vladimir… whatcya waitin’ for? The ghosts of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and innumerable lesser czars and Orthodox Patriarchs beckon you on! Erase the outrage of 1453!!!!!

  4. The US is currently enabling and facilitating ISIS in committing evil. It’s as simple as that. Turkey, a NATO ally, is arming those who brutalize men, women, and children. Our government facilitates their mission to create a caliphate, no matter what.

  5. Since both world wars were began while DemonRat progressives were in power here I strongly suspect that the third one will begin with the same exact circumstances, Rat Progressives in power. All three times heralding a new world, one world govt order.

    The first one could have been avoided had progressives not been so damn blind to the horrors of war. Since none of their children ever in the trenches and fox holes you can see how indifferent they are with YOUR offspring their instead.

  6. Putin gets world respect because he does things the way a man would do them. And he aims to kill any enemy that attacks his homeland, unlike the traitor 0bama.
    But Putin is still not to be trusted.
    That said, I would trust him before I would trust Barry Hussein any day or night.
    One wears a Christian cross his mother gave him around his neck, the other wears an islamic ring that praises allahh in place of a wedding ring.

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