Russian ambassador to Turkey killed in Ankara shooting attack – IOTW Report

Russian ambassador to Turkey killed in Ankara shooting attack

'We die in Aleppo, you die here'


Guardian: The Russian ambassador to Ankara has been killed in a gun attack at an art gallery in the Turkish capital, Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported.

Reports said Andrei Karlov was attending the opening of an exhibit at a contemporary arts centre when he was attacked. Karlov was several minutes into a speech at the exhibit when a man shouted “Allahu Akbar” and fired at least eight shots, according to an AP photographer who was present.

The attacker also smashed some of the photographs, AP reported. A source told RIA Karlov had died at the scene.

Turkey’s NTV reported that the gunman had been killed by police.

Turkish officials said the assassin entered the building claiming he was a police officer. Other bystanders alleged he shouted “Aleppo” when he shot Karlov, but the claims could not be immediately confirmed.  more

h/t Sue

18 Comments on Russian ambassador to Turkey killed in Ankara shooting attack

  1. It starting! Russian aggression in the Ukraine and Crimea, China pushing into the south china sea, assassinations of ambassadors and the democrats pushing to change the constitution and end free speech. And, we have Hitler in the white house. Thank God Trump will be replacing him soon!!!!

  2. I am reminded of the time 3 Russian diplomats were kidnapped in Lebanon in the 70’s. The KGB had the balls of one of the kidnappers brother delivered to them. Two diplomats were released. One was dead. Russia had no problem with their diplomats after that. It seems there is now need for further instruction.

  3. The Erdogan effect. Radical Islamist = Muslim. According to Erdogan ‘Islam is Islam and anything else is an insult.’ As Ohio Dan said, some Russian instruction to the Turks coming up.

    Some how the lame stream media will make this Trump’s fault for making the world a more dangerous place and scaring the poor, poor peaceful Moslems. Allahu Fubar.

  4. Qatar and Saudi Arabia need that pipeline from Turkey to run through to them. Must run through Syria. Assad says FU to that deal. Qatar and Saudi Arabia give bribe money to CGI so that they can force Assad out and get pipeline built.

    Putin says FU. Obama after 8 years of being pussy whipped by Putin, decides its time to stand up to him and force a fight, but retreats to Hawaii to hide. Trump won’t start a pointless war with Russia, but Hillary will to give the Saudis and Qatar their payback.

    Can’t fight directly through Syria, its too obvious. Get Russia pissed off enough to attack Turkey so as to invoke Article 5(?) of the NATO charter and there is the war Hillary wants. Of course the attack is done the day of the Electoral College. Since plans A-F have failed to keep Trump out of office, perhaps a war with Russia so Obama can declare everything remain status quo due to wartime. Two birds killed with one stone.

    But Putin is too smart to be outwitted by the combined intellectual sorriness of Obama and Hillary. So plan G fails too.

    Sorry, just sitting around with the tin cap on thinking out loud.

  5. Eugenia
    Reports I’m reading are he was a Turkish Cop. What happened to Rusky
    Security detail. I’ll bet Putin has already spoken with Trump. And in Berlin they had a truck driving through people celebrating Christmas.

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