Russian Pop Star Says the Infamous DJTjr Meeting About “Hillary Dirt” Was a Joke – IOTW Report

Russian Pop Star Says the Infamous DJTjr Meeting About “Hillary Dirt” Was a Joke

Here’s Wiki describing Emin Agalarov

In January 2013, Agalarov and his father visited Las VegasNevada, after Donald Trump, the beauty pageant’s owner, announced at Miss Universe 2013 that the next competition would be hosted at Crocus City Hall, owned by Emin’s father Aras, in Moscow.[16]

In November 2013, Agalarov’s father hosted Miss Universe 2013 at his Crocus City Hall in Moscow.[16] Agalarov performed during the evening gown competition section. He also made a music video with Trump and the contestants.[14][15] Contestants were required to appear in the video without pay.[16] Agalarov reportedly “offered to send prostitutes to Trump’s hotel room” during Trump’s trip to Moscow, “but the repeated offers were rejected by Keith Schiller, Trump’s longtime bodyguard.”[18]

Herman Gref, who runs Sberbank of Russia, Agalarov and his father hosted a dinner for Trump on the night of the pageant.[16] While in Moscow, Phil Ruffin, who is a partner in Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, and Trump met with Agalarov and his father at the Ritz-Carlton.[16]

Agalarov and his publicist, Rob Goldstone, helped arrange the June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr.Jared KushnerPaul Manafort, Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Ike Kaveladze.[19] Goldstone wrote in an email later published by Trump Jr. that the Russian government wanted to leak damaging information on Hillary Clinton to the Trump campaign.[20][21]


Here’s the rest of the story-

Russian pop star who set up notorious Trump Tower meeting tells DailyMailTV it was ‘useless’ and a ‘total joke’ – and offer to ‘incriminate Hillary’ was simply a stunt to get the Trumps’ attention.

…he ridiculed the idea that the Kremlin could interfere in a presidential election.

ht/ hot salsa

4 Comments on Russian Pop Star Says the Infamous DJTjr Meeting About “Hillary Dirt” Was a Joke

  1. “…he ridiculed the idea that the Kremlin could interfere in a presidential election.”

    …just like a certain Indonesian fraud did when it looked like Hillary would “win”, as I recall…

    “”There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they are so decentralized. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that that could happen this time,” the president said to the future president in October 2016.”

    -Barry Soetoro AKA “Barak Obama”, noted huckster and fraudulent president.

    …well, they are both right on THIS occasion, anyway…

  2. Sure, elections can be rigged. Like “ballot harvesting,” which sometimes results in 120% turnout. Or failing to tally military votes from overseas. Or driving non-citizens to the polls to vote. Or passing a “motor voter” law and then granting driver’s licenses to non-citizens. Or locating a bunch of ballots in the trunk of your car that just happen to be overwhelmingly Democrat. Or demanding recount after recount until enough ballots supporting your candidate are “found.” Or commissioning a phony dossier to be used as an excuse for a FISA warrant so you can intimidate members of the opposition. Or censoring opposition viewpoints on your social media platform.

    Oh, wait – we were discussing Russian interference; all of the above were done by our own Democrat party. Never mind.

  3. “Oh, wait – we were discussing Russian interference; all of the above were done by our own Democrat party. Never mind.”

    …Communist is as Communist does, @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk. Seeing as how they both wish ill on the United States, both have a totalitarian philosophy, and both wanted Hillary to win for the foregoing two reasons, I don’t really see any difference between them…


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