Russian TV mocks Hillary’s age, Obama’s horsesh!t – IOTW Report

Russian TV mocks Hillary’s age, Obama’s horsesh!t

Observer: Rodrigo Duterte, the incendiary President of Philippines —the one who called Barack Obama “a son of a whore” and promised to swear at him at a proper moment—found some support for his anti-Americanism in the corridors of the Kremlin, Reuters reported.

“I met with [Russian Prime-Minister Dmitry] Medvedev,” Mr. Duterte said, “I told him this is the situation. They [Americans] are giving me a hard time, they are disrespecting me, they are shameless. He [Medvedev] said, ‘That is really how the Americans are. He said, ‘We will help you.’”

And they will, at least as far as swearing at Barack Obama is concerned.

Russian President Putin is not Mr. Duterte and nobody ever heard him curse Mr. Obama personally.

He allows other people to let Russians and the world know how he really feels about Mr. Obama and his achievements as American President.

The official representative of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova, for example, never misses an opportunity to remind her audience about the Nobel Peace Prize Mr. Obama was awarded in the beginning of his presidency – “a credit to him to do certain work as a head of the state which calls itself the leader of the free world”. In her latest interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid she states that “now it’s time [for US President] to report on the results, but there are no achievements. Almost everything which was stated as a goal on international arena [by Mr. Obama] turned out to be a zilch.”

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12 Comments on Russian TV mocks Hillary’s age, Obama’s horsesh!t

  1. You know why Obama is always bitter. His minions was telling the world is going to bow down to him, the press called him the savior, hollywood called him Jesus. He believed in all this hype, fortunately the real world had other thoughts.

  2. Barky has zip left for creds on the world stage. Nations around the world laugh at him, and at America for electing him twice. The Democratic party is splintered and in tatters. The former ‘head of the dem party’ called his premier claim to fame, Obamacare, a frigging farce. His ‘alliance with the Cintons’ is a facade. He has allowed the Dept of Justice and the FBI to kneel to Cankles and dishonor our nation and its laws. The only thing this man can do to save a little face is fire Lynch and Comey, and order the replacements to reverse the decisions bought and paid for by Hitllery. Prosecute her to the max…arrest her today.

  3. “You are what you do every day.”
    From credible accounts, Obola spends his days chooming, fornicating, prevaricating, and watching ESPN. On his ambitious days, he golfs. His only motivation to appear publicly is to fondle his over-enlarged EGO.
    IOW, his a total POS. (And the perfect poster child to represent the Religion of Pieces™, IMO)

  4. Obama/Jarrett drew a red line in Syria.

    Putin said, “If moslims bomb Russia, I swear within half an hour, everyone of them will be dead”

    Now tell me, who are you going to believe?

    Further, we have Hillary, who for some inconceivable notion thinks it’s good thing to demean and provoke Putin while Trump is asking why isn’t it a good idea for us to work together.

  5. we can all watch obama and hilary’s handiwork play out in our up coming world war 3 they have started with russia by hilary’s arming of isis to attack assad.

    we can “duck and cover” in our houses while those two are allowed into the secure bunkers the elites built with our tax money.

    that’s one way to lower the population to the elites desired half billion people.

    the jokes on them in the end, a half billion is not enough to sustain the standard of living they have now. once they discover that it will be too late and they will eventually all starve to death.

    just how many lawyers does it take to till the land?

  6. Nobody can say I have any love or respect for Communists of any stripe, but I will say I have great respect for Putin. Not because of his politics, which I disagree with, or his background. It’s solely because he places what he feels is in the best interests of his country first. I can’t fault the man for showing leadership and taking advantage of a vacuum when he sees it, and that is exactly what Obama has provided him.
    If I were Russian, I’d be proud. As an American, I’m ashamed of the feckless turd we elected not once, but twice to the Presidency.

  7. These mockeries are a big step forward by Mr. Kiselyov – if compared with what he was saying about Mr. Obama in the past. Having noticed the US President chewing anti-nicotine gum during the D-Day ceremonies in France two years ago, Mr. Kiselyov recommended on his program that Mr. Obama should use rectal anti-nicotine candles instead. “If you don’t see Obama chewing gum in the future – it means he is taking my advice,” he said at the time.

    Comedy Gold….

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