Russians and Belarusians Excluded from Winter Paralympics – IOTW Report

Russians and Belarusians Excluded from Winter Paralympics


Faced with threats of withdrawals and growing animosity in the athletes village, organizers of the Winter Paralympics on Thursday reversed course and expelled athletes from Russia and Belarus.

The about-face came less than 24 hours after the International Paralympic Committee announced it would allow Russians and Belarusians to compete when the Games open Friday but only as neutral athletes with colors, flags and other national symbols removed because of the invasion of Ukraine.

The Paralympics in Beijing, which follow the Winter Olympics, close March 13. More

Probably a wise decision, after all, how many para-athletes are former military and might want to express their disapprove of what’s going on in Ukraine on their fellow para-athletes? – Dr. Tar

10 Comments on Russians and Belarusians Excluded from Winter Paralympics

  1. Moronic Western bureaucrats and virtue signalers do their best to drive all of Russia into a nationalistic and extremist mindset by doing what Western bureaucrats do best, i.e. punching down on average people over ideological bullshit.

  2. This is stupid. Putin doesn’t care in the least about whether a paralympian competes or not. He cares only about achievement of his strategic goals. Punishing handycapped Russians only hurts innocent people and makes us look weak and foolish.

  3. I don’t know a single solitary soul who gives the first flying fuck about The Olympics. Maybe they are out there, I just don’t pay any attention. As for me, I gave up caring about The Olympics decades ago when they started allowing professional athletes to compete.

  4. Gas here locally in the Spokane area at its cheapest was $3.34 a gal. for regular just a few days ago, I paid $3.50 this morning when I got gas for my Subaru. And I noticed elsewhere that gas was at $3.90 a gal. a few miles away and $4 at one Exxon station. I am not a happy camper with all this green weenie bs which keeps driving up the price of gas almost on a daily basis. FJB/LGB.

  5. how many para-athletes are former military and might want to express their disapprove of what’s going on in Ukraine on their fellow para-athletes?

    Forgive me Father. For I miss midget wrastlin’.

  6. This will be as effective as boycotting summer Olympics in Moscow to force Russia to stop invading Afghanistan and to force them out.
    How did that turn out?
    Some of us are old enough to remember that.
    This is nothing but empty virtue signaling.
    Would no achieve anything.

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