Russians Dug Trenches, Within Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – IOTW Report

Russians Dug Trenches, Within Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

US Daily Mail

Drone footage taken from the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant appears to have confirmed reports that Russian troops dug trenches and fortifications in some of the most irradiated parts of the region.

The footage, which has been geolocated and widely shared on social media, shows mounds of disturbed earth and fortifications dug on the outskirts of the Red Forest, just a few miles west of the Chernobyl plant. More

22 Comments on Russians Dug Trenches, Within Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

  1. Remember;

    The Roman Empire, & it’s Historians at the time, would build up the Enemy to Incredible heights to the people.

    1) If they won, It was a tremendous Victory.
    2) If they lost a battle, the odds were insurmountable, but still honourable.

    There are legitimate analysts that essentially argue that America has no real Competitor militarily due to Budget & most importantly Experience.

    What kind of Idiots dig in Radioactive soil? Is the Shit not glowing Hot on level?

    China, it is argued, that despite closing the theoretical gap in tech & numbers, lacks ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. The person who wrote the paper highlights that China has the problem of NEVER recently fighting an enemy that shoots back. It also stated that the 1 family 1 child policy has actually created China’s own version of Special Snowflake.

    That is exactly why the Democrats are more worried about Internal American resistance, rather than ChYnA.

    America’s real issues are ENERGY SECURITY, POPULATION BEHAVIOR CONTROL, trying to maintain its currency as world reserve for trade. The Third one is the Big One – they are fucking it up badly at present.

    Cheers, You are not threatened from the outside.

  2. Maybe the Russians were digging mass graves for all the Ukrainians they killed, thinking nobidy would ever dare to look there. Or maybe the propaganda war just went nuclear. I dunno.

  3. Those poor dumb bastards! Among the guys pulling the strings in this, there are no good guys! The civilians and the low level grunts in the armed forces are big time victims.

  4. Bucha Massacre, Chernobyl Trenches, and now the Kramatorsk Missile Attack. Is it possible that the Uke/CIA MisDisMal factory is working double shifts churning out false flags because the Ukrainians can’t produce actual wins?

    It seems like we’re being treated to a new Russian Atrocity every three days. I am reminded of 2016, when Hillary hit Trump every other day for a month with women making false, unprovable accusations against him.

    Like I said, I dunno. It could all be true. But if even one is false…

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