Russians Launch a Massive Air Strike Against Ukraine’s Energy Facilities- Outages Recorded Everywhere – IOTW Report

Russians Launch a Massive Air Strike Against Ukraine’s Energy Facilities- Outages Recorded Everywhere

Gateway Pundit-

The early morning brought one of the heaviest air strikes in months against all regions of Ukraine, leading to emergency power outages have been introduced throughout the country.

Almost no air defense work was recorded, leading to speculation that resources had been pulled to the border of the Kursk region.

In the capital, Kiev, the power began after a series of explosions, with as much as a dozen explosions heard in the city.

Footage of the attack on the Kiev hydroelectric power station has arisen, with the fire is still not extinguished. read more here

21 Comments on Russians Launch a Massive Air Strike Against Ukraine’s Energy Facilities- Outages Recorded Everywhere

  1. “leading to emergency power outages have been introduced throughout the country.”

    “In the capital, Kiev, the power began after a series of explosions, with as much as a dozen explosions heard in the city.

    Footage of the attack on the Kiev hydroelectric power station has arisen, with the fire is still not extinguished.”

    …a non-English speaking translator or an AI wrote this…

  2. “In the capital, Kiev, the power began after a series of explosions, with as much as a dozen explosions heard in the city.”

    With writing like his, who can tell what’s really going on?

    The power(?) began when?

    WTH are you trying to say? It ain’t coming through, buddy.

    I agree with SNS. A non-human is involved here.

    SkyNet* must be destroyed before Terminators are deployed.

  3. I thought Ukraine had Russia on the ropes.
    What happened?

    How many $Billions have we laundered through Ukraine, thus far?
    How many $Billions came back to US politicians and arms brokers?
    How much went to spook agencies and the WEF?

    We need some intrepid reporters to track and expose all this … oh, yeah, I forgot …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …meanwhile, in America, the radio show I listen to in the morning was telling me how the US Government is warning about RIGHT-WING rifle attacks on power substations that “may disrupt election certifications”, so now I know another part of the Communists’ plan to maintain their stolen power going forwards, while giving them another excuse to go after mythical White Nationalists by taking everyones guns in the process…

    “White Neonazis”.

    Sure, Jan./s

    Road tested.

    Communist approved.

    Coming to a power grid near YOU.

  5. SNS – That’s how Leftist dictatorships begin, by fabricating a so-called “enemy of the people” (their opponents). Down thru history it has been their hallmark signature move to justify their actions.

  6. Time for the BitemeCrime Syndicate Family to throw them overboard – Humper got everything he & the Big Guy needed out of them – time to feed them to the Russians & find another dupe whose country they can fleece!

  7. SNS, I was going to say the same thing about the writing. It’s usually not this bad at GP, although their headlines can be pretty goofy. I think Hoft hired a bunch of youngsters whose heads are in the right place, if not the write place.

    Paul Serran is Brazilian. He’s usually better than this, but he must have been in a hurry lol.

  8. Ukraine, in attacking Russia, led with its chin, to use a boxing term. Russia responded with a strong left hook to Ukraine’s throat.

    Looks to me that Russia knew all along Ukraine’s intension and reacted with a very well thought out response. Sure, Ukraine, attack a relatively rural area like Kursk, for the sake of the western media, and we’ll hit you back hard where it really counts, your capital and central control point of Kiev.

  9. @Not that Anon

    Ukraine statement translated by an Australian:

    Oi, maite, we it’ ‘em ‘ard we did. Roight in the stummich, Kursk, where the Joimans ‘it the bloody Russkies ‘ard back in nointeen farty-three. Kursk is the place of millions of bloody Ruskies an’ we cought ‘em in the open we did. Just loike last yea-ah and the yea-uh befo’ maite we got the Bloody Russkies on the run, we do.


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